Sunday, November 22, 2009

maybe one day you will ask me why ?

amaybe one day you will ask my why i feel the way i do .  like all good books its not  going to be any one thing that turns my head , no .its a long string  that thoughts  this bow   so tightly,
I started to read christopher Morley give you a few lines
 It was  very different from such bookstores as he had been accustomed to patronize. Two stories of the old house had been thrown into one,the lower space was divided into little alcoves,above. a gallery ran round the wall,which carried books to the  ceiling. the air was heavy with the delightful fragrance of mellowed paper and leather surcharged with strong bouquet of tobacco.
 now that  makes my mind almost feel the  smell  and i remember as a kid ,going into a bar and finding its smell  so  rich with life's stories it screamed at me and to this day i can rember walking into that old high street public bar ,  
now  why the hate , today with this PC mad world i'm forced to live in its  ,  same story ,i walk into a well light large soulless room with safe book shelving,with  books that at best will smell of plastic and ink    with  the harsh lights   over head  i squint to  read the back cover  as i stand in this people mart , devoid of feeling,  i  hate  this world i'm  made to live in , were your evil if  your not a believer  and  then go to jail for  saying that to a gay , or  a race different to  ones own , armies to keep the peace ,do you even hear what  you say to me ,  and what is this peace  your keeping  , were you walk down a road stinking of fuel fumes ,with rotting food in bins and   the stench of body-oweder  from un washed    rappers. punks  god preaching   ...

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Im not going to have any one run my life ever again

you might enjoy  not knowing what's going on in your world or even be happy  just   having your head in the sand  when it comes to your own country ,I'm aright joe ,i don't need to worry about any one, or thing  only about myself , after all that's what its all about  isn't it ?,  you run your life i run mine , well i'm going to do just  that ,i'm not having any politician tell me how to think ,what to wear  how to behave , drive a car ,   the church isn't in my belief-system , i'm not telling any one what to do or think ,but i'm telling you all now  ,DON'T TELL ME

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

i speak for myself

The USA doesn't not speak for  me ,and i hope  it doesn't speak for my country  too (new Zealand )
  every thing i've read has  told me the USA are not to be trusted ,they use words  that they hid behind , there pet one being Democracy, god , freedom. and we have all heard there speeches  ,in fact we have a speech maker in there white house ,now ..... 
   today i'm going to work out how to post a link that will take you to 
  and  next time it will be   what else the CIA has done around the world ,state terror is still terror

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yes Its a Monday ,i've had 3 days to  see the world again on TV  and  what a lovely place it still is ,even after all the  things we have and are still doing to it , i watched a show  that had a man invent a oven that  can cook using the sun ,it is  .was  to  help  people in 3rd world  , now  that's were i lost the  plot ,here you have women  using wood  every day  going out and  deforesting there nation ,   they never work out ways to   change  what there doing  just day in and day out  ,just like the cave women would of i suppose ,and  you  saw  this view of nothing and her cutting down a live tree not dead  so it would be  wet wood ,  were are there heads .no i'm sick Of being PC correct all the time ,  maybe  there are races that will always be  different , witch doctors
killing  albino's  for good luck ,  were in the 20th century is there room for  fucking witch doctors , 
so my  point if i have  one ,is racist  only  on colour , 

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

what's a Balance  now  ,when it comes to life and the world we all  ,yes all live within.
 i try and keep a open mind  to most things around me  with the fact that were from a animals  seed(meaning we are all animals),and  by this i know there will always be killers and  the need to fight between each other ,  fuck like there's a reason for  it , (dress it up  with the word LOVE) , but  ,were is the balance in life  any more ,   you get better feed  learn more live longer  ,go to the moon ,  , then in comes the balance , snuff movies ,wars  that use rape and mass murder ,like the Congo. we learn to treat all skin colours as one only  to have race wars  never seen the likes of  before,  the more we move forward to the right ,the sicker we become On the left ,
  so are we not better of to not learn  not  grow  but stay in the centre  and never grow  up , that way the left will be  just to the left of centre  and not   the sick sad place it is now , the BALANCE  of life ,what part  do you play  with in it , ?? WHAT PART INDEED

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