Monday, November 28, 2011

writting in the dark.the arab leage
,but what will it mean
when at the end of the day you dont get a freedom to live in if you have any group in ccontrol of a nation it never works out , faith sould be that ,faith and no more , you live by  the faith you have  but  not every one will have your  faith and even when they do they  will be diffrent in some way or a nother
. Do you think its ??
tell me what your thoughts are ?
i try and read and reply  to  them  as im  not     on  a pc 24 /7
shall it make any diffrance or  make them wearst.
but we wont know  for shore ,mind you we can make  good chouses.push bear down hard  now PUSH . do it   .do it now
dont ask them .all ritch countrys  wont pay there ways in the world then dont ask them . fuck them ,no ask them
they wont like the other way around
Do you think its working ?
 Do you feel good . will you share this with your partner/wife/husban
Would it matter  ,any way ? so
what are you if your a Kird. or a sunnie the keyboards playing up againany way  love yourself  and injoy

you have let the foxs into your hen house

i use bold type face ,for drarmer efect.

around the world we see the people that were voted in ,(even thow there not very good ,) they were elected , removed and technocrats,bankers placed into there places .so the very same group of people that startted the run of bad creadit deat or whatever they like to use that day to spin some story to the beast ,so it can feed


dig deep eat your fill from the soft underbelly of the beast . rip apone it with your teeth

ive been reading history again . romen wars and so can tell the winner has written them . in a

the ring a round

the games been played and everyones lost out to money and they have not yet seen its happened.
the banks .or the 2%ers as there known as . made money from creadit cards 26% per month , and then probity loans then market.add a car , ride the wave , its so hot ,
and then all falls over ,becouse its not real
never made any thing ,nothing of substance?
and what is being made only has a life span of 3 years . whats this mean for a persons a life time and have less than 3 years of goods becomeing crap as i write this. any way We bale them out the banks, told we have to for money to be keeped moving around the world each minite of every sec ,of yesterdays and tomorrows , at a coast ,thow you all forget about the coast, and thats why were being fucked over as i stand here ,
no big speach ,you wont hear any thing new , just layed out to you openly , no smoke or mirrors no hip or spin , / once we gave money a hold in the way the human race lives its dayly lifes ,its untenable ,has no real form or substance,it dosnt create any thing , not a service anymore,you pay for every thing to do with its self.its a burden A FUCKEN BURDEN.
so we payed them and they made money from it ,
there bones