Saturday, June 29, 2013

Its easy when winners write the rule books .


yes  AMERICA . you never  have been  a colonist
Your power  Is not  there , its not real  after all is it
. what's Hawaii. Guam easten Somoathey just took and kept what they wont  say Cuba  Gitmo or Guantanamo.Cuba USA Naval Base the words say . owe the best of them all  BIKINI ATOLL. 
 do you wont me to go on .
 see if a country  takes control of a country for good or bad
 they are  held accountable
And the USA doesn't have  the balls to be honest
about anything they ever do . they  bombed a  whole race of people
killed there island ,there home land
as well as that  .they gave them all cancer   and then  left  saying  were not   reasonable 
were not a colonial power
, fuck you lot  die ,
 your only black  people any way .
the truth is   the american people as a rule  have never Honoured  any treaty they signed  with the native american(spoke with forked tongue. the white eyes .You never  even understood that as well . the eyes  are the door to a mans soul, they were men with no honour,soulless people (white eyes  means, soulless )
most  average americans are good people. its the cream  at the top that's, become  rotten .to much sun will do that to cream . Jacob Zuma and Obarma ,Both  on the same stage  , both liars , ones a rapist  as well .  i wont bow  to ether of tough's 2 men (Scum in suites)
 being let down  by a man you believed in is  100 times wriest  than  a man you didn't believe in at all .in the first place
   good for  you Burma   (reap what you sow.)
The American man
Do have some good in them . But as a rule  there  blood line is tainted  by greed . everyone  that went there went  for the golden roads
a place were  they could take  what they felt like , nothing more  and its in there blood line .Don't ever try and tell me  your minds were on the people that lived there already , small pox and missiles' will deal with them after all  it was you that speed it . so don't look to the Nartzis You were good at ethnic cleansing yourself , Dame good at it really  , add  bikini  atoll s people  to it  that's a whole race  just there .
  the world Hates THE  CIA  and  most  governments of  the USA . there often corrupt. read about  the mafia  or crime in new york   etc and   you all hold the british  accountable for the 4 opium wars with china .   after the 2nd war  the british were not let to trade so  american families  traded for them  and  yes  they made a huge amount of money from opium  after all they were only chine's/much like there slaves  at the time  a means to a end , the money from Opium made  governments changed the power in whole countries  and it was  still being traded  after the Vietnam war of  the 1964  to 72. it was how the CIA got there money to kill people and trade in guns  Oliver north . then Bin Laden 1982 stinger missiles   so  they could kill russians on there behalf   and  as soon as  the russians left  they tossed  there own people into the dirt ,  that's why they hated the cia so much  and the CIA had 6 floors in both towers of the world trade centre   and that's were they went  to meet  them  and  were the money came  from   and across the road  the 3 buildings  to  be brought to the ground on that day . what's 4000 people   collateral damage is  how they say it ,   it got   them there opium  now  growing  more than ever before .  and  there 2 wars    opium and oil  ,  god  defend one dollar  right . its only people after all  and there not even Americans .  if 8 men can  make a country  piss over there own 2 constitutions ,
 then  not much of a country is it .
 But still let them own guns though  ,  good on the arms dealers
 Go America .right hand  down my cruch

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Molesters and how they find eachother

I know like attracts like/ but how is it  that the people paid to look out  for these things that are no more than cowards. to scared to face a grown women  they . rape  and molest children. and how is it  they always seam to find  others  with the same depraved mind sets . Kid stolen  by family friend, even though the male in her familie  has been raping her as well , always the same  thing . child tells the mother figure, beatings and callings of liar follow /This is not a case  a one off there in fact all to common 
 that a women will be in the mix . 
 my point to day is these women  must start being convicted as much if not more than the men 
.they all to often walk away free claiming there victims as well , that's crap 
No women will ever be were she doesn't wont to be ,
 she wont do what's not  best or easiest for her to do 
 I've seen online  there as many if not  more depraved women out there as men . mind you i'm looking at the western world ,
i've got not time at all for the blacks of africa  or arabs or eastern men, white russians  these 's are all pigs of the lowest form . And yes I can say this . cutting parts of a young girls  clit.  kids  being married too old men for goats .or to clean his home if men don't stand up  for what's right  then you are as bad . hell your even  more so  because you know better .
man up .

Friday, June 7, 2013

so there day dream is Over

Funny to think ,  there TV top shows N.C.I.S or any cop show . has  the good guys , pilling up phone  bills or lists of calls  from were to who at what time , all  Americans inside of america.(the one true fact is the baddies always use burn phones that cant be tracked,) like the saying locks only keep honest people out .Same gose for  phone hacking, dume crimes . they can look into bank records , all personal  things power bills phone accounts inter net traffic . emails web cam chats all and every thing they trowl through ,like a theath that gose into the womens underwear draw, little white handed men  bonning up  with  the sicness of it all , so  all crime all wifes that fuck  a man outside of marrage  they see it all , but  its OK  you get to keep your guns  the other rights are gone ,   behind closed doors  no right of address no acountability, no one to say no ,  goverments  huntting down all people that talk to reporters , , why stop there why not look into the party  thats running the other campain read all there emails see what they have planed  to beet your team ,  they can do what ever they wont  when ever they wont  for what ever reason they might have ,  your lost 2 of your so called  rights , so its now the bill of some rights  if it suites  them behind  the closed doors , the ones that dont answer to you or anyone for that matter and you have no right of address, , so when  a CIA formed group tryed the first time to blow up   the same  2 towers  place it was said its over money . but it was  over the CIA they had used and lied to  these people  that they used to  fuck over the russians  THE CIA has never done ONE thing with Honner. were ever they go they breed hate contempt  and out right discust?? not  for the usa people so much as this small group of white men with no respect for anyone ,not even there own country, funny how Bush sen was the head of the CIA when they helps to blow up the car of men  that came to New York to speak In the UN, in fact it was outside of the UN building ,  so  for  men  trianed by the CIA , used Plans that come from the airways set up  by the CIA ,  (air america, became american airways ) so these men trianned  by  used planes supplyed by  and  blew up 3 buildings all with the CIA  within them ,or  just moved out ,  whos securty was done by , the CIA, and im sure if anyone ever looked the firm that tought  them how to fly has links to the CIA as well ,   the safes were empty that were ment to be filled of gold ,   and larst  but not the least ,  the whole  of the americn bussness world was about to be  shown to be  liers , there top managers were ripping  the publick off in a huge way ,  it all just went away never to be spoken of again , the paper trale was lost  so no one could be tryed with out due-process/ the same  people then get a free hand to  do what ever they like  in this name of terror. all america wontted revenge . much like perial harbour? the Alamo ?
 and  that common at the start of the war for independence . Do you not see a theam  here . the common  ground. the same people repetted ., its  all just a coincidence after all ,saffier not to think about it and say im all right i dont break any laws ,  YET

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

what is truth? like the movie you dont wont to know the truth. .

 at the rnd of world war two , when the winners had there hour in the sun , trying the japs germans and anyone they could call a war criminal. when you read History  you need to read 3 storys of the one event . the winners .the losers .and the truths. the larst one ,the truth is always the hardest to find as the winners often destroy all  and anyone that might not say or write  the same  things they say ..Eg you read romes wars  by them they lost less than 1000 ,en in all were the other side was in the 100.000s and  of course  the other side has the same way of embellishing there role in any events ,So the truth is always  the hardest one  to work out , now back to ww2. at the trials they .The winners . owe side  or so to speak  said to follow orders wasnt a good a nough reason to commit a war crime. So if that was there case what was there open for a solder to do  if found hesor shes part of a crime , go tell the people that are above  them.  not do it and break the  golden rule of not following a direct order , or speak out  to anyone and everyone that will listen to you , . Is that Not what mr manning did.speak out on criminals. the problem was  there on his side , winners dont like there crimes aired in public view . How dose it feel to know your side are the bad guys . the CIA armed bin larden they gave him money  and moved him around the world to set up his what they called underground  army  to fight  the  dame reds  that commes that 3 out frount wars had been fought over ,bever in there own country mind you always killing innocent women childrem boys and men . they had some asin hate left over from pearl harbour becouse thats were there wars were fought in .  till bin larden  then it was africa  and  in the  east.Afcanastan? Korea,Vetnam. Lose.
The golden triangle .
Drugs Oil  Oil Drugs .
Oliver north .
Operation  CONDOR (the first real bomming by a tearror group) its Head was called Bush George H.W . were is his day in war crimes court , killing a diplomat ioutside the UN building in new york,  /