Saturday, July 27, 2013

learn the truth

when i was in india the second time ,buying  old motor bikes i learnt a lesson that i use  with every new encounter i have in life  to this day .
 If a person says  you can trust me I'm this or that . you know  you cant trust them . a honest person would never think to ask to be trusted . they would just take it as  a fact  ,after all they are Honest . its   only a dishonest person that says trust me . because they will lie   steal  and do any thing but be trust wealthy. i see  every day  governments  saying , you can trust  us . we cant . read any books on crime  families  mafia  ect . and you will see time after time   governments in bed with the  theist's ,  today its  banks  and  businessmen/women there all in bed with each other
. The yanks call them lobbyists . were is it written that a few with money rule over the many with out money
 they are meant to be the government of the people , for the people ,
  But  you can trust them .After all they told you so , didn't  they? .
Well don't  trust me . i will put them up to a wall and shoot them .  bankers will go to jail , crimes, will do time . hard time . 
 drugs will be uncontrolled (no laws on them what so ever ) to remove its evil MONEY  that's been  there big pay day  for 200 to 300 years. DRUGS are  not evil, people are
just like money or guns 
 its  the people that use them that are rotten to the core
  you all think the British were  the ones in the Opium wars with china  well they were  but  do you know  when they were stopped the americans took over  ,they had  total control of it  the big Boston families made there big money out of it  then they stole the land off the  indian  and   run banks oil railways  steel  mining all the same  names over and over . kennedys booze runner in the 1920s  half in bed with the irish gangs in new york and on it goes 
, yes   they will ask you to trust them .. they will need to ask ,
  but  well I know what i will do
 I watch  all you humans I've so little respect  for humans  as it is , but when a  man puts himself in harms way to tell you your Governments being liars and doing things close to criminals. they made new laws behind closed doors and all your press did was nothing .  no  blood or gore  ,no shock horror  , to be a box's office winner  , its  just the truth and  the right  thing to do , i wont watch  Lettermen   ever again  . make a joke on that dave .   and you  with a young  son  shame on you  , shame on you all .
The Press can Now chase the drones .just like the lawyers do with   the ambulances.
the way or this world is very very sad'

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

i so hope ive set them right

to fix the world . you start with One

next time you pick the topic

the banks that lie

I'm reading about  the mafia  and  find there so interwound with the polertsions of america  the its a wonder any ever went to court let alone jail
So then i'm reading about  the 1933 banking scandal and  what do i see the very same names  that were at  the head of the  banking scandal(they use words like meltdown) and what's this bankers giving themselves interest free loans  and sailing wreathless securities containing bad latin american stock or  then Albert Wiggin head of chase national bank (today's city bank ) he made money from shorting his own banks stock  leading up to the  great wall street crash or 29, the man made money off his own bank going under . today they hide criminal money all around the world . from cartels to gun runners  people traders (that's slavers) and  the list is  very very very long  but still not one  done time . you all know city bank  the one that's been hiding drug money or doing any thing for the dollar  why worry about the law , they have never ever had one person stand trial or go to jail . move on down the page and there's   a name we all know  morgan from chase  J P Morgan  he fiddled his stock so he didn't pay tax for 3 years   1931 32 33 on top of that they paided the government off . a mar 100th of what they stole. or made  dishonestly. and again no one goes to jail . they don't  need to stop staling  when there being payed off when they do ,  Hows your home , the Job all good are they .  kids going to  higher learning are they ?
 Look I try and talk to humans  but its easyer to not cair

Sunday, July 7, 2013

the Lie

it took less than 20 years  for centuries of hard, often deadly work.  to bring about a honest society's
Then the internet comes along and  there you are telling your kids to lie TO FUKIEN LIE people .
what did you think was going to come from that ,
 there is no ,sometimes its OK to . or some lies are OK to say . A
lie is one of the 10 commandments
                                                             thaw shall not lie
I didn't say some times ,its OK to . or any thing at all but  do not under any reason is it OK to LIE
 your a joke  as a race  and as people .were it took 8 men to remove your human rights  and  a computer to show you all up as shallow human beings . the animals never try to say there more than animals ,
YOU have given yourselves graces and then don't live up to any of them
 you curate a god , then don't live up to the things you say he asks you to live by .
Just about every thing Humans do is for self gratifying and very little else /
 that goes for every thing  from the seas to plant life Open goggle earth some time and look at all the dead fish around the globe . (that's dead water ways people )and you wonder why i hate the asains and  most white races for fishing in the south Pacific go clean up your own water ways and stay the fuck out of mine . we can shoot you know ,and Japan how much did you learn from the 20 years you killed the whales   we already new they cried  as they die,  so tell me  like you there only  Japs  owe  sorry  fish   there only fish  so  why not kill them there  just  there .they dont matter .not to me any way and me is all that matters  to  , yes you got it.