when i was in india the second time ,buying old motor bikes i learnt a lesson that i use with every new encounter i have in life to this day .
If a person says you can trust me I'm this or that . you know you cant trust them . a honest person would never think to ask to be trusted . they would just take it as a fact ,after all they are Honest . its only a dishonest person that says trust me . because they will lie steal and do any thing but be trust wealthy. i see every day governments saying , you can trust us . we cant . read any books on crime families mafia ect . and you will see time after time governments in bed with the theist's , today its banks and businessmen/women there all in bed with each other
. The yanks call them lobbyists . were is it written that a few with money rule over the many with out money
they are meant to be the government of the people , for the people ,
But you can trust them .After all they told you so , didn't they? .
Well don't trust me . i will put them up to a wall and shoot them . bankers will go to jail , crimes, will do time . hard time .
drugs will be uncontrolled (no laws on them what so ever ) to remove its evil MONEY that's been there big pay day for 200 to 300 years. DRUGS are not evil, people are
just like money or guns
its the people that use them that are rotten to the core
you all think the British were the ones in the Opium wars with china well they were but do you know when they were stopped the americans took over ,they had total control of it the big Boston families made there big money out of it then they stole the land off the indian and run banks oil railways steel mining all the same names over and over . kennedys booze runner in the 1920s half in bed with the irish gangs in new york and on it goes
, yes they will ask you to trust them .. they will need to ask ,
but well I know what i will do
I watch all you humans I've so little respect for humans as it is , but when a man puts himself in harms way to tell you your Governments being liars and doing things close to criminals. they made new laws behind closed doors and all your press did was nothing . no blood or gore ,no shock horror , to be a box's office winner , its just the truth and the right thing to do , i wont watch Lettermen ever again . make a joke on that dave . and you with a young son shame on you , shame on you all .
The Press can Now chase the drones .just like the lawyers do with the ambulances.
the way or this world is very very sad'
If a person says you can trust me I'm this or that . you know you cant trust them . a honest person would never think to ask to be trusted . they would just take it as a fact ,after all they are Honest . its only a dishonest person that says trust me . because they will lie steal and do any thing but be trust wealthy. i see every day governments saying , you can trust us . we cant . read any books on crime families mafia ect . and you will see time after time governments in bed with the theist's , today its banks and businessmen/women there all in bed with each other
. The yanks call them lobbyists . were is it written that a few with money rule over the many with out money
they are meant to be the government of the people , for the people ,
But you can trust them .After all they told you so , didn't they? .
Well don't trust me . i will put them up to a wall and shoot them . bankers will go to jail , crimes, will do time . hard time .
drugs will be uncontrolled (no laws on them what so ever ) to remove its evil MONEY that's been there big pay day for 200 to 300 years. DRUGS are not evil, people are
just like money or guns
its the people that use them that are rotten to the core
you all think the British were the ones in the Opium wars with china well they were but do you know when they were stopped the americans took over ,they had total control of it the big Boston families made there big money out of it then they stole the land off the indian and run banks oil railways steel mining all the same names over and over . kennedys booze runner in the 1920s half in bed with the irish gangs in new york and on it goes
, yes they will ask you to trust them .. they will need to ask ,
but well I know what i will do
I watch all you humans I've so little respect for humans as it is , but when a man puts himself in harms way to tell you your Governments being liars and doing things close to criminals. they made new laws behind closed doors and all your press did was nothing . no blood or gore ,no shock horror , to be a box's office winner , its just the truth and the right thing to do , i wont watch Lettermen ever again . make a joke on that dave . and you with a young son shame on you , shame on you all .
The Press can Now chase the drones .just like the lawyers do with the ambulances.
the way or this world is very very sad'