Tuesday, June 16, 2015

TODAY I will talk about MYSELF

I'm full of ANGER
  for many reasons, I won't go into just now . ,I  had a Problem dealing with  mixed feelings  when younger and  hide them. In  fighting the good courses ,Green Amty nuke war  . you name it i was  anty the way things were and in many ways  still are today, They are wrong and no  point in making out they aren't  Because that's  just about right lie, My family .  well,ish ly  OK  when it came to money , white christian family of 7 .five kids, so  No big problems there Or so it always looked to the outside world. I see and  even today see my family as dysfunctional ,in the extreme . on top mind you of  the church putting its 50cents worth in to  fuck me up .  As a kid there was only one person higher up the food chain  than my dad and that was the preacher man. So when this man yelled to the church , (you being one  of the few kids made to sit through the fill  hour and a  half ravings)
 If gods not in your heart your going to   burn in the fires of hell and  your sole will be lost Forever   forever ever ever  er er r r r! you get my point , I couldnt remember this  thing being in me . I didn't  know of a time when his son  came into my heart I  couldn't say  there was a god  there . He might of been  . but i was 5 or 6  hell I didn't know .  But i did know  now  that i was dammed  and  going to hell .  the holy man  just yelled it  at me  for a hour , I was broken with no way of being fixed

 In the car for the short ride home  my Dad turned to mum and said  ,that was a great service  today  didn't she think ?
 Yes , Not a truer word ,could of  been spoken .
All good people should have this God they kept talking about within their soles. whats  this  , theres a sole too Now  In there  Where are these things   they keep talking about  and  I must be  so very alone   as none of my sisters or brothers have said  anything   to  the point of not having these things within themselves ,IT MUST JUST BE ME . and there it was from that age to today I've been made to feel worthless  dirty and EVIL, by the very group of people.
 that should've been there to shoulder each other when needed, to inspire one's  good points as well as understand ,any  faults ,
The highs with the lows .

 Like I said Dysfunctional .

 Shit Ive gone and done it again
 not talked about  what i wanted to say ,

 I do very much  hope to help improve this world  we all live apone . but i cant do it alone
 because that's where, this anger is coming from

               PROVE ME WRONG

 One high point of living with black  KAMA  is /,I do get to laugh at the sickening  things  people do to each other each day

                       I SEE, HUMANS !!,AS MAD ANIMALS .
( maybe insanely mad Animals)