My Question today as i already know the Answer too it .Is this .Question
Is ISIL a group of religious Killers or a Brought and Paid for group of Mercenary's hiding behind a mask too inable Killings .
sorry I got side tracked .
In 2011 when gold was at its Height. of $18230 per once. we can say Putin brought a huge amount of gold at this price .just befor it startted to drop to todays price of $1226 per Once. this is a loss of a 3rd. or $600 loss on each 1 once brought .
Now I know Putin is No fool so I ask myself why would he need or want this amount of gold at this time and at that amount . Cant say . so i watch I wate and what other new thing came to hand in 2011 0r early 2012 . talk of Terror groups were in Syria and most of the world new this not to be right . It was a puplic uprising and as a rule it was peaceful on there part Not on the So called Goverment of that time . arrests tourcher Gassings Killings in the army fo not shooting on unarmed people's/ Yes That goverment if that was what it was called . . the In come the bum boys ow and there was many Non lived there But they all felt they had a right to a say there . Back to the Gold . It was got out to pay a group of people that were both chetchin muslim extreamests . Barrth supportters from the old days Of Iraq. and crime rings to sale art and historic treasure's /Oil Black market. and from Jail's , both russian and syrian all under the control of the secrite police of those countrys. and Iran / so you have 3 countrys that all Hate America . they all worked to set up the head of ISIS . so 3 groups of people get together and form or help too form ISIS . it helped the killers in Syria look see i told you there there (terror groups) russia can them come in and support these killers and help them to kill more kids and unarmmed syrians.or drive them from there homes . and Iran gets to have Suinnes from Tehran to the syrian coast right through Iraq displacing Sunni in Iraq as they go. and there already In Syria hidden in Hazbollah. that the USA said were broke due to There Sanction's. what a lie that is . they havn't been so rich and well armed ontop of gettting stocks of Gas and Cheam weapons off syrian goverment befor they got lost intransit . lol Its Just Lie on top of half trouths on lies and spin its all crap . Iran has itself its Callerfit . Not ISIS . just today isis moved to attack a small gap on the turkish boarder . . the only point of doing it was to trap the syrian people inside Aleppo . thats something the govermet tropes had been trying to do for a year . so just WHO IS ISIS. and its time all the oppersion armed groups work together . and stop your dame bitching . its always the same men with no forsight . ONE EYE ed fuck wits that couldnt run a down hill cart race, they would have some going up some accross and a few down all at the same time .just a huge fuck up from woo to goo
MY point if your not sure is russia paid for Iran and syria . with russian and Chetchon jails? were behind the formming of ISIS and thats why they worked hard to kill Americans or any from the west .
(just read a web page that says ISIS was formed by america. the compleat oppersit of mine . yes they are the course of but they were killing americans Think about it )
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Friday, May 27, 2016
my photos . that lead to my art enjoy

cage or kill .
never any shortage of guns
so whats it say about the human race when its cheaper to buy a hand granade than it is food . whats it say about the human beings when faith thats only ever been about love and respect for someone outside of yourself . its turnned to hate and death. whats it saying about a race that kills what i cant cage . Ive never been a part of your human race it sickins me and with luck ether globle warmming will kill it out or Bombs will do it .
to me as long as it happens . the last thing the universe needs .Is a race that behaves no better than killer ants comming to there space. .I look at every thing as honestly and as balanaced (well rounded ) as I can . But sadly the human race is FUCKED
to me as long as it happens . the last thing the universe needs .Is a race that behaves no better than killer ants comming to there space. .I look at every thing as honestly and as balanaced (well rounded ) as I can . But sadly the human race is FUCKED
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
has the truth ever been told to the Public(the mass)?
This is one Question .Im asking myself more today ,than ever
Today you can see the way the Press ,TV raido.the Media use there reach to sway there public viewer's.. these very often take grafic lines such as boarders from maps.
one conner to my Pyramid of society
each conner support's each other . boarders and goverment you get religion
goverment and religion gives you Boarders
religion and boarders you get goverment
each corner , not only helps too stregthen each other corner, put in turn strighens itself in doing so.
you can change the words around in any of the 2 corners only to find , they will give you the answer to the 3rd corner 's words
when added together
like (money ^ greed ^ banks) see how easy it works , try it for yourself
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Turkey's new ?
So do tell me
Just what do you call the guy thats become second in line Prime minister .what is it when a country can be run as a presidential Goverment when its Not why even have rules if thety can be just over looked you all voted for a prime minister lead goverment and not a president so you in turkey have been missled . when the goverment lost out badly in the larst elections and the Kurds got a few seats . what did he do And when i say He you know just who im talking about . he startted a war with the kurds again stripped them of there seats and run through some laws that are so bad its like your back in the dark age , what are the Kurds to do they tryed to do it by the rules and what did it get them killed . called names hunted down and even the press or anyone that feels there is something to talk about are now being locked up . So with your New Prime minister I now know what a BUM BOY looks like .
I say, remember the golden cage
when charged with fraud
Is deliberate deception to secure unfair or UNLAWFUL gain
or to DEPRIVE a Victim of a legal Right
Who do you feel is that main acter of these acts
Who removed police officers and lawers that worked for the state .(We/ I, think of this as the crowen having a head of state being a Queen ) the same man got people that were half the reason he got into power and outlawed them took down there busnesses
Ive got to go so stay well be happy people love you all
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
breaking news l
Al Jazeera english
Its time this company starts to face up to its shocking new reporting. when you call yourself a new brordcarster you cant try and create the news .your to report whats happened . you can have diffrent view points but you cant ask people what they think will happen when or what if . do you feel how bigs my dick . they just ran stright out and reported tonight the good news about a girl held captive by a group of fuck wits in Niggeria . without stopping and doing what was best for all the other girls being heald . they told the world good on you AlJazeera you might of got your 15 mins of fam but what about the girls that will now be moved taken somewere diffrent becouse you just felt you had the right to tell the captives of them that they had been found out . I hope the mums and dads of the girls Call you out on this .If they were my kids I beleave in a eye for a eye . How are your kids AlJazeera are they safe . warm tonight are they/ and try and get the word Trump into it some were Im sure your good at that . for one thats stopping watching you . see you at the bottom for something to eat one day soon . Onslow
Its time this company starts to face up to its shocking new reporting. when you call yourself a new brordcarster you cant try and create the news .your to report whats happened . you can have diffrent view points but you cant ask people what they think will happen when or what if . do you feel how bigs my dick . they just ran stright out and reported tonight the good news about a girl held captive by a group of fuck wits in Niggeria . without stopping and doing what was best for all the other girls being heald . they told the world good on you AlJazeera you might of got your 15 mins of fam but what about the girls that will now be moved taken somewere diffrent becouse you just felt you had the right to tell the captives of them that they had been found out . I hope the mums and dads of the girls Call you out on this .If they were my kids I beleave in a eye for a eye . How are your kids AlJazeera are they safe . warm tonight are they/ and try and get the word Trump into it some were Im sure your good at that . for one thats stopping watching you . see you at the bottom for something to eat one day soon . Onslow
if your going to lie make it so big no one will dealt it
Im watching the USA senater's voting on what 9/11 victim's
, can take Saudi Arabia Goverment to court.(i take it to be there court) we wouldnt want it to be impartial after all would we . and if the sardi goverment were to blame why did they go to war with 2 diffrent countrys all together . . much like the 3rd building that collapsed across the road from the twin towers . It must of had a bird fall ontop of it ... much like the gold that was ment to be in the safes under the world trade towers. A fact . all 3 buildings were owned or run by the CIA . what was it about those buildings that made some groups Hate them so much . was that not were the pay masters that ran Operation Cyclone (1978) By the Central Intelligence Agency CIA
(part of the Reagan Doctrine)
go read the web site War
with the Mujahideen! in its coverage
when the USA/CIA used and yes they did use the afghan people for there own selfish wants.
they worked out of the World Trade Center
,that opened on the 4th April 1973. and the CIA was in it from Day One . right up till 5months befor the planes hit them on 9.november 2001/ so when the men were in the flight school inside the USA and first undertook the cowardly attack on lower workers cleaners door people and low level staff members . It covered up all the Industrial fraud .and fraudulent bussness dealings of many American companys . Enron was the tip of the iceburg And as we know the Enron scandal was revealed in October 2001 / One month befor the planes hit . No paper work No more court cases . turn the masses heads to a new place to hate .
and at the same time clean up there dirty dealings with sadarn. let me go on who was the head of the CIA in 1976 to 1977 lets Goggle it shall we .http// Now to the men in Afghan Hills that couldnt read or speak english all they heared was world trade center new york. was were the stinger nissiles came from . the Gold and USA dollars the same place the world trade center NY . CIA CIA it just keeps comming up . what a great day . for the lose of 3000 workers .(low paided)
and 3 CIA owned or run buildings they got to go to WAR with 2 countrys . and remove laws that were to protect people from a state with to much power and a new building a big Black boxs like One Called The NSA .
i see and beleave that people will get in life what they desirve . its called Karma
, can take Saudi Arabia Goverment to court.(i take it to be there court) we wouldnt want it to be impartial after all would we . and if the sardi goverment were to blame why did they go to war with 2 diffrent countrys all together . . much like the 3rd building that collapsed across the road from the twin towers . It must of had a bird fall ontop of it ... much like the gold that was ment to be in the safes under the world trade towers. A fact . all 3 buildings were owned or run by the CIA . what was it about those buildings that made some groups Hate them so much . was that not were the pay masters that ran Operation Cyclone (1978) By the Central Intelligence Agency CIA
(part of the Reagan Doctrine)
go read the web site War
with the Mujahideen! in its coverage
when the USA/CIA used and yes they did use the afghan people for there own selfish wants.
they worked out of the World Trade Center
,that opened on the 4th April 1973. and the CIA was in it from Day One . right up till 5months befor the planes hit them on 9.november 2001/ so when the men were in the flight school inside the USA and first undertook the cowardly attack on lower workers cleaners door people and low level staff members . It covered up all the Industrial fraud .and fraudulent bussness dealings of many American companys . Enron was the tip of the iceburg And as we know the Enron scandal was revealed in October 2001 / One month befor the planes hit . No paper work No more court cases . turn the masses heads to a new place to hate .
and at the same time clean up there dirty dealings with sadarn. let me go on who was the head of the CIA in 1976 to 1977 lets Goggle it shall we .http// Now to the men in Afghan Hills that couldnt read or speak english all they heared was world trade center new york. was were the stinger nissiles came from . the Gold and USA dollars the same place the world trade center NY . CIA CIA it just keeps comming up . what a great day . for the lose of 3000 workers .(low paided)
and 3 CIA owned or run buildings they got to go to WAR with 2 countrys . and remove laws that were to protect people from a state with to much power and a new building a big Black boxs like One Called The NSA .
i see and beleave that people will get in life what they desirve . its called Karma
I hope my Blog today has given you some thing to think about . feel free to add your own views
yours Onslow
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Consternation ,Todays word of the day
This is the word of the day for today
A feeling of worry,shock or confusion
this word can be applied to some goverments and groups . but its the people of the world that i feel for as they are the ones that have to live with the insane things men do to get hold on to and keep POWER/ None of them it seams can understand .without the people there so called power is nothing
less than nothing . Aid is a joke .it keeps humans down and enrichies the FEW that supply the wheat
,grain .food stuff . when you keep the mass dependant on the small amounts they need to live . then they dont speak out or fight back the very people that made them refugee's in the first place .its Like the unemployment and low wages for the many . they cant or wont speak out of fight back in fear that even that little they get will be taken from them.
who do you think,supports the class-system?
infact ,they keep it going all together
You all have a think about it and i will give you the answer and why its the answer .at the star of my very next blog/ hell cant wait that long
the Answer is its the Middle-class reason being is
they feel smug thinking themselves better than the lower-class and at the same time they strive and aspire to become upper-class.
the upper-class dont give a class system a second thought .being rich they dont need to . they have no need to do a thing already so be it upper -class . the lower -class well they already know there poor. they stress over rent food kids going to school ,day to day things that every poor person would well understand . . infact they dont have time to want for anyting like a class-system/ now for my answer on why the middle class are the supporters of the class system .is this they long to be in the upper-class and loathe the thought of ,as eing called lower-class .so with there being a system that breaks people into groups(class system) it enable's them ,not be lower class and still aspire to becoming one of the upper-class
please feel welcome to any feedback you might like to add . thanks yours Onslow .(my first name )/
OK stay well be happy and love the one near to you .
Thursday, May 12, 2016
todays word of the day
its not a word but 2 words .
the dictionary
Brown-nose to try to hard to please someone ,especially someone in a position of
authority,in a way that other people find unpleasant.
the dictionary
Brown-nose to try to hard to please someone ,especially someone in a position of
authority,in a way that other people find unpleasant.
Ive No respect for the new's media
I have had for some time very low respect for new 's outlets .
they crave money over honest values .there drive to get the world into a war that was just down right dishonest .WMD how they all run with the lies of goverments that only wish was to sale guns and inpower themselevs with oil. (money). but the new media laped it up like dogs at a dead carcass (feast on it well on the swollen belly of humanity)
That thing Dump is the last straw . even when hes not running they still give it10 times the covrage and its every half hour . and god only knows what Foxs is doing . so Im asking you all to TURN them all Off . stop reading News web sites . turn them off .your TV
they treat you and me like we are fools they can make news up to fit there rattings . well they cant . so Man and Women up TURN the shit off
they crave money over honest values .there drive to get the world into a war that was just down right dishonest .WMD how they all run with the lies of goverments that only wish was to sale guns and inpower themselevs with oil. (money). but the new media laped it up like dogs at a dead carcass (feast on it well on the swollen belly of humanity)
That thing Dump is the last straw . even when hes not running they still give it10 times the covrage and its every half hour . and god only knows what Foxs is doing . so Im asking you all to TURN them all Off . stop reading News web sites . turn them off .your TV
they treat you and me like we are fools they can make news up to fit there rattings . well they cant . so Man and Women up TURN the shit off
Monday, May 2, 2016
word of the Day , plus more
A person or of behaviour ,praising people in authority in a way that is not sincere.Usually in order to get some advantage from them / brown noses!
I call them brown noses. becourse they have there face so far up anyones arss too be a,ingratiate . often they are just ingrate's. a low life .is the person that tells others whatever they can to be liked . by them . thats being Ingratiate
that guy Nicolas Maduro . blames everyone but himself. and hes so stupid
Its sad to see that every time the left gets any power they just fuck it up every time . as for Russia how can anyone stand a man that worked for the KGB as a honey trap that sent honest people to the grave .now that guy is a true Sycophant. and he got power from a drunk man that had lost his honner. If there is good people in russia they are rear. watched a TV show were this guy and his nurse wife had a group of things were they went out and hunted guy men and women . to beat them up . Im sure the wife used her job to target guy people for them . and a band sings in a church about putin do 3 years in Jail . now thats One very very sad nation . but , like the west any thing to sale guns right . there is a wall for all .
Would you TRUST a Jew ? a fear Question Im watching the TV news If you can call it News . the great forked tounged Americans . stand up and fight for your freedom . just dont expect us to stand up with you . GUN RUNNERS all of them noting less nothing more . . the CIA has killed the 2 men they used in the 80s to fight there wars for them . bin larden with russia in Afcanastan and Hesane with the Iran Iraq war . . when is the man behind the death of a plane load of people and the 200 unarmed portesters in Kirve. get there Justice .You all must know Putin is Not Guy hes a sickow . likes to shit on the kids he fucks . much like hitler did . someone paid the people of Maidan says the man with the stage and Banners all paid for by Putin . a man that killed the belevers of the church . but now he supports the church . is there any thing he is . well its like a waste of my time do what you will . Becourse bird's will always come home to roost
Anything to sale Guns . you tell me what its all about . Im happy to be wrong .
A person or of behaviour ,praising people in authority in a way that is not sincere.Usually in order to get some advantage from them / brown noses!
I call them brown noses. becourse they have there face so far up anyones arss too be a,ingratiate . often they are just ingrate's. a low life .is the person that tells others whatever they can to be liked . by them . thats being Ingratiate
that guy Nicolas Maduro . blames everyone but himself. and hes so stupid
Its sad to see that every time the left gets any power they just fuck it up every time . as for Russia how can anyone stand a man that worked for the KGB as a honey trap that sent honest people to the grave .now that guy is a true Sycophant. and he got power from a drunk man that had lost his honner. If there is good people in russia they are rear. watched a TV show were this guy and his nurse wife had a group of things were they went out and hunted guy men and women . to beat them up . Im sure the wife used her job to target guy people for them . and a band sings in a church about putin do 3 years in Jail . now thats One very very sad nation . but , like the west any thing to sale guns right . there is a wall for all .
Would you TRUST a Jew ? a fear Question Im watching the TV news If you can call it News . the great forked tounged Americans . stand up and fight for your freedom . just dont expect us to stand up with you . GUN RUNNERS all of them noting less nothing more . . the CIA has killed the 2 men they used in the 80s to fight there wars for them . bin larden with russia in Afcanastan and Hesane with the Iran Iraq war . . when is the man behind the death of a plane load of people and the 200 unarmed portesters in Kirve. get there Justice .You all must know Putin is Not Guy hes a sickow . likes to shit on the kids he fucks . much like hitler did . someone paid the people of Maidan says the man with the stage and Banners all paid for by Putin . a man that killed the belevers of the church . but now he supports the church . is there any thing he is . well its like a waste of my time do what you will . Becourse bird's will always come home to roost
Anything to sale Guns . you tell me what its all about . Im happy to be wrong .
Sunday, May 1, 2016
things have to change
guns and money are not bad .Its the humans that use them, that are evil
I hope to bring my country out of its need to be lead by the nose attitude
We are a small populated nation!
But we have lead in a few ways that many nations would be proud of.
And we are going to leave the United Nations. all Aid will be changed and all nations that sale or make wepians will be black listed . All trade with shall be stopped . all Moneys of or from these nations shall be frozen
No travle Into or out of our country or any Visas will be stopped .
for New Zealander;s to travle too and from. All the Black listed nations .
The United Nations and the Security council
(what is, I believe too be," nothing but ARMS DEALERS".)
are not and have not the worlds interest's at heart. and I feel they foster WAR and DEATH For Profit .
$$$$$$ So you know theres Money and Corruption in that Mixs as well $$$$$
New Zealand will start a New Global Boady on its own but open too all
It's to be known as
Global Harmony
Its sole aim is . whatever it takes . save the world from the human race.
save the human race from itself
work towards one global Relighion, that envelop's all. and many . setting aside faith and fact From fiction and mith.
Were the Ten Commandment's are to be its foundation .
Reilghion is a personal belief system
( The High-point, being on the word PERSONAL )
Faith is openly free to practise
No One has the right too PREACH, For no group is better than a other.
Faith and the state are to be seperatted at all times regardless of events
Any Nation ,Can ask for help at any time from ,Global Harmony
Too run Election's
G.H will work to create Templates for goverment departments. that can fit a country and its People well (as a startting point)
for the police ,courts . Goverment departments . water waste . Hospital's phones power schools . courts Banks .The CUBE
Now the CUBE is to stop and catch all and any corruption
CORRUPTION is a cancer too a Nation
Corruption stops a country from growing and advancing it's people
schools give knowledge ,Knowledge gives ideas. Ideas gives busness. busness gives Jobs . Jobs gives Money.Money gives better way of life (growth)
a List of diffrent Templates for as many diffrent undertakings a young or Poor Nation might need
Law's for all .and all for the Law's .
I 'am asking You for ?
.No........ we are all in need of your help PLEASE please Help
Anything anyway
Lets Do this . lets bring about a change . a new way too Live together .Not as one But as many free healthy and happy to Grow into that brave new day .
thank you Im
Onslow Sporin
I hope to bring my country out of its need to be lead by the nose attitude
We are a small populated nation!
But we have lead in a few ways that many nations would be proud of.
And we are going to leave the United Nations. all Aid will be changed and all nations that sale or make wepians will be black listed . All trade with shall be stopped . all Moneys of or from these nations shall be frozen
No travle Into or out of our country or any Visas will be stopped .
for New Zealander;s to travle too and from. All the Black listed nations .
The United Nations and the Security council
(what is, I believe too be," nothing but ARMS DEALERS".)
are not and have not the worlds interest's at heart. and I feel they foster WAR and DEATH For Profit .
$$$$$$ So you know theres Money and Corruption in that Mixs as well $$$$$
New Zealand will start a New Global Boady on its own but open too all
It's to be known as
Global Harmony
Its sole aim is . whatever it takes . save the world from the human race.
save the human race from itself
work towards one global Relighion, that envelop's all. and many . setting aside faith and fact From fiction and mith.
Were the Ten Commandment's are to be its foundation .
Reilghion is a personal belief system
( The High-point, being on the word PERSONAL )
Faith is openly free to practise
No One has the right too PREACH, For no group is better than a other.
Faith and the state are to be seperatted at all times regardless of events
Any Nation ,Can ask for help at any time from ,Global Harmony
Too run Election's
G.H will work to create Templates for goverment departments. that can fit a country and its People well (as a startting point)
for the police ,courts . Goverment departments . water waste . Hospital's phones power schools . courts Banks .The CUBE
Now the CUBE is to stop and catch all and any corruption
CORRUPTION is a cancer too a Nation
Corruption stops a country from growing and advancing it's people
schools give knowledge ,Knowledge gives ideas. Ideas gives busness. busness gives Jobs . Jobs gives Money.Money gives better way of life (growth)
a List of diffrent Templates for as many diffrent undertakings a young or Poor Nation might need
Law's for all .and all for the Law's .
I 'am asking You for ?
.No........ we are all in need of your help PLEASE please Help
Anything anyway
Lets Do this . lets bring about a change . a new way too Live together .Not as one But as many free healthy and happy to Grow into that brave new day .
thank you Im
Onslow Sporin
like the Bees . working together as one for the good of them all
they have no rich list . no groups getting it all just becouse of the time in history
they work everyday as well as each member can to keep the hive strong . and you all think nothing of killing Nature
the winners write the rule books (history) and humans . what they cant cage they kill . I bee as happy to see the human race end . that way the world will stand a chance .
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