I have just read a outline of the American bill of rights and the constitution. Fist i found it funny that its a copy or both the Virginia Declaration of Rights and the English Bill of Rights of 1689 along with The Magna Carta , of 1215
Then 1789 James Madison introduced 39 amendments and when you read some of the early amendments , they were very clearly , in self intrest (the act of considering the advantage to yourself when making decisions,to do whats best for you .) the amendments were like the right to have Arms was to inpower a very weak new nation. then the one to place restrictions on Quartering of soldiers in Private homes .(amendment 3) was becouse the britsh crown was making homes within america to house there solders by law . again it was to weaken there enamy and inpower themselves , . and this list can go on . . But my point is they make a lot of noise about Guns and the Americans right to own and have them , over and over , its there rights under the 2nd amendment , But were was there noise when they startted reading emails . going into all your personale dealings .Bank record's. health files , phone traffic, 4th amendment The unreasonable search's and seizure's (Probable cause) requires a WARRANT . thats Judically Sanctioned.(signed by a Judge) Or a Search warrant
again this was to counter the Britsh Writ of Assistance.a type of open search warrant (issued by the britsh to empower themselves) a major source of tension in Pre-Revolutionary America. the fourth Amendment was introduced in Congress in 1789
My point here is were is this outcry when your human rights get tossed out the window on 3-4 diffrent times . you go on and clame your Constiution/bill of rights/Amendments. are the Honor of there Nation. yet you sold 3or 4 of them out in a heart beat. I dont live in a country thats rich . but it lets me see most of the world with clear eyes .Look there is no one country that dosnt have its problems , when ever you get groups of people together . they always fight , even if they agree with each other they will still fight over how they agree about it , .But you can beleave me when i say they all have a few people lording it over the many.Or the mass are allways giving everything to a few, Now be honest do you think that would happen if the many had a choice.do you think for a minite they would willingly do that .
Do you beleave that a few people would be given every thing by the mass that have so little .Again NOT IN A HEART BEAT .
So you have to think . the only way that would happen is if One the few had the counties power.(Goverment ,Church, Army) or the Few s power comes from crime. Gangs,.Maffia drug cartells. asian crime familys.tongs. ;Look these crime groups are quite huge . but at the end of the day . they all have a top and each top is closed off to the many and are lived off by a few . all of these things are all across the globe .In every country .Africa and china were and to a point ruled by black magic. in early times there was the gods controled by the few preast"s(churchs) and again a few rune the lives for so many with only thinking of themselves.Always themselves, push drugs on the weak or the ones who lives they have already broken down . by taxing there parents. the kids dont go to school and the cycle of shit life is complet. crimes taxs honest workers of there hard labour . robbing there familys of advancment . goverments that send there people to Jails /Prison /Reform/Reducation (Most counties),Gulag's (russian)
Black box Prisons (china) Im sure ive missed a few . But . stop take a breath and look around , every country.has its Laws .plolice/army/jails. lawers.gardes. all to keep the many under control. for the few . stop look think why do the WEST dislike the MUSLIM'S (the few do you know)
They dont like them becouse they are not aloud to use or have BANK's
thats what the few hate Not being able to get hold of the money of the poor Muslims . the FEW rich Muslim's have all there Money In Banks . or stock markets . buildings in the west . they are true biggits. But there mass . dont use banks and thats whatmthe west is at war with . ,the FEW wanting more. the Few are getting greedy. they Now have stopped hidding behind closed doors . . from the time computers came along . the mass sould of startted to get things better but no the few used it to sack the workers , to make money no longer cash ,
(all computerized money) less bank workers . stocks trade's every thing . all for less .. water food petrol . life all in there hands all going up dayly. the mass just getting ground down war crime goverments .all working aganst them . aganst us , aganst YOU. Look around . dont let them blind you with SPORT .
dont let yourself be lied too . by your goverments . dosnt not matter what party or if there is a party at all . Gaverments all Lie too you . they all are hopping to become one of the FEW . THE FEW THAT STEAL YOUR LOVE LIFE JOY > FAMILY > CHILDREN your will to be or matter .
Well you all matter to me . and we will all work to become the many that matter that have taken from the few every thing,
learn what your been tought. study what they have done to us . and lets just turn it all around 180 degress Artist look after the people . dreamers shair your dreams with the many . lets go out into the Universe as a great united race . a human race that lives as in Peace .So if any life is out there ,it would welcome Us . and not fear us . at this time . humans what they cant cage they Kill.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Is ISIL Killer's or a group of paid for Mercenary's ?My Question
My Question today as i already know the Answer too it .Is this .Question
Is ISIL a group of religious Killers or a Brought and Paid for group of Mercenary's hiding behind a mask too inable Killings .
sorry I got side tracked . www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1489.htm
In 2011 when gold was at its Height. of $18230 per once. we can say Putin brought a huge amount of gold at this price .just befor it startted to drop to todays price of $1226 per Once. this is a loss of a 3rd. or $600 loss on each 1 once brought .
Now I know Putin is No fool so I ask myself why would he need or want this amount of gold at this time and at that amount . Cant say . so i watch I wate and what other new thing came to hand in 2011 0r early 2012 . talk of Terror groups were in Syria and most of the world new this not to be right . It was a puplic uprising and as a rule it was peaceful on there part Not on the So called Goverment of that time . arrests tourcher Gassings Killings in the army fo not shooting on unarmed people's/ Yes That goverment if that was what it was called . . the In come the bum boys ow and there was many Non lived there But they all felt they had a right to a say there . Back to the Gold . It was got out to pay a group of people that were both chetchin muslim extreamests . Barrth supportters from the old days Of Iraq. and crime rings to sale art and historic treasure's /Oil Black market. and from Jail's , both russian and syrian all under the control of the secrite police of those countrys. and Iran / so you have 3 countrys that all Hate America . they all worked to set up the head of ISIS . so 3 groups of people get together and form or help too form ISIS . it helped the killers in Syria look see i told you there there (terror groups) russia can them come in and support these killers and help them to kill more kids and unarmmed syrians.or drive them from there homes . and Iran gets to have Suinnes from Tehran to the syrian coast right through Iraq displacing Sunni in Iraq as they go. and there already In Syria hidden in Hazbollah. that the USA said were broke due to There Sanction's. what a lie that is . they havn't been so rich and well armed ontop of gettting stocks of Gas and Cheam weapons off syrian goverment befor they got lost intransit . lol Its Just Lie on top of half trouths on lies and spin its all crap . Iran has itself its Callerfit . Not ISIS . just today isis moved to attack a small gap on the turkish boarder . . the only point of doing it was to trap the syrian people inside Aleppo . thats something the govermet tropes had been trying to do for a year . so just WHO IS ISIS. and its time all the oppersion armed groups work together . and stop your dame bitching . its always the same men with no forsight . ONE EYE ed fuck wits that couldnt run a down hill cart race, they would have some going up some accross and a few down all at the same time .just a huge fuck up from woo to goo
MY point if your not sure is russia paid for Iran and syria . with russian and Chetchon jails? were behind the formming of ISIS and thats why they worked hard to kill Americans or any from the west .
(just read a web page that says ISIS was formed by america. the compleat oppersit of mine . yes they are the course of but they were killing americans Think about it )
Is ISIL a group of religious Killers or a Brought and Paid for group of Mercenary's hiding behind a mask too inable Killings .
sorry I got side tracked . www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1489.htm
In 2011 when gold was at its Height. of $18230 per once. we can say Putin brought a huge amount of gold at this price .just befor it startted to drop to todays price of $1226 per Once. this is a loss of a 3rd. or $600 loss on each 1 once brought .
Now I know Putin is No fool so I ask myself why would he need or want this amount of gold at this time and at that amount . Cant say . so i watch I wate and what other new thing came to hand in 2011 0r early 2012 . talk of Terror groups were in Syria and most of the world new this not to be right . It was a puplic uprising and as a rule it was peaceful on there part Not on the So called Goverment of that time . arrests tourcher Gassings Killings in the army fo not shooting on unarmed people's/ Yes That goverment if that was what it was called . . the In come the bum boys ow and there was many Non lived there But they all felt they had a right to a say there . Back to the Gold . It was got out to pay a group of people that were both chetchin muslim extreamests . Barrth supportters from the old days Of Iraq. and crime rings to sale art and historic treasure's /Oil Black market. and from Jail's , both russian and syrian all under the control of the secrite police of those countrys. and Iran / so you have 3 countrys that all Hate America . they all worked to set up the head of ISIS . so 3 groups of people get together and form or help too form ISIS . it helped the killers in Syria look see i told you there there (terror groups) russia can them come in and support these killers and help them to kill more kids and unarmmed syrians.or drive them from there homes . and Iran gets to have Suinnes from Tehran to the syrian coast right through Iraq displacing Sunni in Iraq as they go. and there already In Syria hidden in Hazbollah. that the USA said were broke due to There Sanction's. what a lie that is . they havn't been so rich and well armed ontop of gettting stocks of Gas and Cheam weapons off syrian goverment befor they got lost intransit . lol Its Just Lie on top of half trouths on lies and spin its all crap . Iran has itself its Callerfit . Not ISIS . just today isis moved to attack a small gap on the turkish boarder . . the only point of doing it was to trap the syrian people inside Aleppo . thats something the govermet tropes had been trying to do for a year . so just WHO IS ISIS. and its time all the oppersion armed groups work together . and stop your dame bitching . its always the same men with no forsight . ONE EYE ed fuck wits that couldnt run a down hill cart race, they would have some going up some accross and a few down all at the same time .just a huge fuck up from woo to goo
MY point if your not sure is russia paid for Iran and syria . with russian and Chetchon jails? were behind the formming of ISIS and thats why they worked hard to kill Americans or any from the west .
(just read a web page that says ISIS was formed by america. the compleat oppersit of mine . yes they are the course of but they were killing americans Think about it )
Friday, May 27, 2016
my photos . that lead to my art enjoy

cage or kill .
never any shortage of guns
so whats it say about the human race when its cheaper to buy a hand granade than it is food . whats it say about the human beings when faith thats only ever been about love and respect for someone outside of yourself . its turnned to hate and death. whats it saying about a race that kills what i cant cage . Ive never been a part of your human race it sickins me and with luck ether globle warmming will kill it out or Bombs will do it .
to me as long as it happens . the last thing the universe needs .Is a race that behaves no better than killer ants comming to there space. .I look at every thing as honestly and as balanaced (well rounded ) as I can . But sadly the human race is FUCKED
to me as long as it happens . the last thing the universe needs .Is a race that behaves no better than killer ants comming to there space. .I look at every thing as honestly and as balanaced (well rounded ) as I can . But sadly the human race is FUCKED
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
has the truth ever been told to the Public(the mass)?
This is one Question .Im asking myself more today ,than ever
Today you can see the way the Press ,TV raido.the Media use there reach to sway there public viewer's.. these very often take grafic lines such as boarders from maps.
one conner to my Pyramid of society
each conner support's each other . boarders and goverment you get religion
goverment and religion gives you Boarders
religion and boarders you get goverment
each corner , not only helps too stregthen each other corner, put in turn strighens itself in doing so.
you can change the words around in any of the 2 corners only to find , they will give you the answer to the 3rd corner 's words
when added together
like (money ^ greed ^ banks) see how easy it works , try it for yourself
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Turkey's new ?
So do tell me
Just what do you call the guy thats become second in line Prime minister .what is it when a country can be run as a presidential Goverment when its Not why even have rules if thety can be just over looked you all voted for a prime minister lead goverment and not a president so you in turkey have been missled . when the goverment lost out badly in the larst elections and the Kurds got a few seats . what did he do And when i say He you know just who im talking about . he startted a war with the kurds again stripped them of there seats and run through some laws that are so bad its like your back in the dark age , what are the Kurds to do they tryed to do it by the rules and what did it get them killed . called names hunted down and even the press or anyone that feels there is something to talk about are now being locked up . So with your New Prime minister I now know what a BUM BOY looks like .
I say, remember the golden cage
when charged with fraud
Is deliberate deception to secure unfair or UNLAWFUL gain
or to DEPRIVE a Victim of a legal Right
Who do you feel is that main acter of these acts
Who removed police officers and lawers that worked for the state .(We/ I, think of this as the crowen having a head of state being a Queen ) the same man got people that were half the reason he got into power and outlawed them took down there busnesses
Ive got to go so stay well be happy people love you all
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
breaking news l
Al Jazeera english
Its time this company starts to face up to its shocking new reporting. when you call yourself a new brordcarster you cant try and create the news .your to report whats happened . you can have diffrent view points but you cant ask people what they think will happen when or what if . do you feel how bigs my dick . they just ran stright out and reported tonight the good news about a girl held captive by a group of fuck wits in Niggeria . without stopping and doing what was best for all the other girls being heald . they told the world good on you AlJazeera you might of got your 15 mins of fam but what about the girls that will now be moved taken somewere diffrent becouse you just felt you had the right to tell the captives of them that they had been found out . I hope the mums and dads of the girls Call you out on this .If they were my kids I beleave in a eye for a eye . How are your kids AlJazeera are they safe . warm tonight are they/ and try and get the word Trump into it some were Im sure your good at that . for one thats stopping watching you . see you at the bottom for something to eat one day soon . Onslow
Its time this company starts to face up to its shocking new reporting. when you call yourself a new brordcarster you cant try and create the news .your to report whats happened . you can have diffrent view points but you cant ask people what they think will happen when or what if . do you feel how bigs my dick . they just ran stright out and reported tonight the good news about a girl held captive by a group of fuck wits in Niggeria . without stopping and doing what was best for all the other girls being heald . they told the world good on you AlJazeera you might of got your 15 mins of fam but what about the girls that will now be moved taken somewere diffrent becouse you just felt you had the right to tell the captives of them that they had been found out . I hope the mums and dads of the girls Call you out on this .If they were my kids I beleave in a eye for a eye . How are your kids AlJazeera are they safe . warm tonight are they/ and try and get the word Trump into it some were Im sure your good at that . for one thats stopping watching you . see you at the bottom for something to eat one day soon . Onslow
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