Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Today i was going to write about how America has lost its way in many private and public matters

 I have just read a outline of the American bill of rights  and the constitution. Fist i found it funny that its a copy or both the  Virginia Declaration of Rights  and the English Bill of Rights  of 1689 along with The Magna Carta , of 1215
Then 1789 James Madison  introduced 39  amendments and when you read  some of the early   amendments , they were very clearly , in self intrest (the act of considering the advantage to yourself when making decisions,to do whats best for you .) the  amendments were like the right to have Arms  was to inpower a very weak  new nation. then the one to  place restrictions on Quartering of soldiers in Private homes .(amendment 3) was becouse the britsh crown  was making  homes within america to house there solders by law . again it was to weaken  there enamy and inpower themselves , . and  this list can go on . . But my point is  they make a lot of noise  about Guns  and the Americans right  to own and have them , over and over , its there rights under the 2nd amendment , But  were was there noise when they startted reading emails . going into all your personale dealings .Bank record's. health files , phone  traffic, 4th amendment The unreasonable search's and seizure's (Probable cause) requires a WARRANT . thats Judically Sanctioned.(signed by a Judge) Or a Search warrant
 again this  was to counter the Britsh Writ of Assistance.a type of open search warrant (issued by the britsh to empower themselves)  a major source of tension in Pre-Revolutionary America. the fourth Amendment was introduced in Congress in 1789

My point here is were is this outcry  when your human rights get tossed out the window on 3-4 diffrent times . you go on and clame  your  Constiution/bill of rights/Amendments. are the Honor of there Nation.  yet  you sold 3or 4 of them out in a heart beat. I dont live in a country  thats rich . but it lets me see most of the world  with  clear eyes .Look there is no one country  that dosnt have its problems , when ever you get groups of people together . they always fight , even if they agree with each other they will still fight over how they agree about it ,  .But  you can beleave me when i say  they all have a few people lording it over the many.Or the mass are allways giving everything to a few, Now  be honest  do you think that would happen if  the many had a you think for a minite  they would willingly  do that .
Do you beleave that a few people would be given every thing  by  the mass that have so little .Again NOT IN A  HEART BEAT .
 So you have to think . the only way that would happen is if One the few had the counties power.(Goverment ,Church, Army) or the Few  s power comes from crime. Gangs,.Maffia drug cartells. asian crime familys.tongs. ;Look these  crime groups are  quite huge . but at the  end of the day . they all have a top and  each top is closed off to the many and  are lived off by a few . all of these  things are all across the globe .In every country .Africa  and china  were and to a point  ruled by black magic. in early times there was the gods   controled by the few preast"s(churchs) and again a few rune the lives for so many  with only thinking of themselves.Always themselves, push drugs on the weak or  the ones who lives they have already broken down . by taxing there parents. the kids dont go to school  and the cycle of shit life is complet. crimes taxs honest workers  of there hard labour . robbing there familys  of advancment . goverments  that send there people to  Jails /Prison /Reform/Reducation (Most counties),Gulag's (russian)
Black  box Prisons (china) Im sure ive missed a few . But  . stop take a breath and look around , every country.has its Laws .plolice/army/jails. lawers.gardes. all to keep the many under control. for the few .  stop look think why do the WEST dislike the MUSLIM'S  (the few do you know)
They dont like them becouse they are not aloud to use or have BANK's
 thats  what the few hate Not being able to get hold of the money of the poor Muslims . the FEW rich Muslim's have all there Money In Banks . or stock markets . buildings in the west . they are true biggits. But  there mass . dont use banks and thats whatmthe west is at war with . ,the FEW wanting more. the Few are getting greedy. they Now   have stopped hidding behind closed doors . . from the time computers came along . the mass sould of startted to get things better  but  no the few used it  to sack the workers , to make money no longer cash ,
(all computerized money) less bank workers . stocks  trade's  every thing . all  for  less .. water  food petrol . life all in there hands  all going up dayly. the mass just getting ground down  war  crime  goverments .all working aganst  them . aganst us ,  aganst YOU. Look around . dont let them blind  you with SPORT .
 dont let yourself be lied too . by your goverments . dosnt not matter  what party or if  there is a party at all . Gaverments all Lie  too you .  they all are hopping to become   one of the FEW . THE FEW THAT STEAL YOUR LOVE LIFE JOY > FAMILY > CHILDREN  your will to be or matter .
 Well you all matter to me .  and we will all work to become  the many that matter that have taken  from the few every thing,
learn what your been tought. study  what they have done to us . and lets just turn it all around 180 degress Artist look after the people . dreamers shair your dreams  with the many . lets go out into  the Universe as a great united race . a human race that lives as in Peace .So if any life is out there ,it would welcome Us . and not fear  us . at this time . humans  what they cant cage they Kill.

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