Saturday, February 11, 2012

to any one in Greece

I'm going to get back into my painting and other Art work ,
its some thing to help me with  the anger i find myself feeling for the wrongs around the globe ,  you cant please everybody  and you cant keep the mass happy for to long , and that's the  bottom line ,humans are sad animals ?
 I know  things are hard in Greece  just  at this time ,and i really feel for you all . i  would like to  say ,if you as a country wish to deal with this deit , get GST set up , that's a , goods and services Tax
. now if you say to the  banks  they get  all the gst from Greece for 4 years   at whatever it will be ,
  now  this tax's goes on every thing ,  but you wont lose any more jobs .no more  cuts for the old or the poor and it will get the fucking banks off your backs , and  then when signed  up ,, you charge banks to do business in your country as a multi  national it lets them off tax's over and over
well no more ,
 a tax on all profit of 85% on all moneys made in Greece 
 let them live on 15%
 that's still more than many hard working  men and women
 The reason i say GST tx  ill work ll for gece , as i understand things , many greeces dont pay there taxs ,and thats half the trouble there  as a country  GST is Payed on all goods sold and services  given ,(labour or work  done not on wages ,) but doctors bills , law work done home cleaning ,   and so on .
any way all greeces will have to act as tax colecters , as GST gose on every thing   sold  and its handed down the line of sales till it gets to the end and  then its payed , we have it here in New Zealaand ,i Dont like Taxs and i dont like this , but as a country you need a out , also  i say  maake  a second  set of money  just for tourest inside of Greece at a better rate than the Eurow $....

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