Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kiss Kiss

what you going to do when they come for you ,
so how are you going in Egypt a year after  the  so called  ,  no its a joke and i cant call it any thing but that  a joke
 good to see that the women that were fourst to undergo a verginaty test  have no right  to  complane, the army was  only making sure  they couldnt say they were raped,by the army ,  they can only say they were made to strip and have some thing placed inside  there verginer , and a stranger looked  into them till he was saterfide , sounds a lot like rape to me ,   after all they all  wanked themself off after  doing what was it 30  young women ,    but hay im a sick westener ,  you know  what you say about us  , were sick    eveil people , we   dont stone   young girls to death ,   we dont rape owe wives , or sale our doughters ,  or  in pakerstane sale  there kids to be a bombber  and  dont tell me its for marterdome  ,if thats true  then  no money would need to  parce hands  ,  breed kids you cant feed  ,its a easy out  for them after all .  westers are the  eveil  ones  arnt  they .  like the church in the usa ,its so far from the real truth it cant find its way back  ,  any sort of  closed mindedness

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