Saturday, November 24, 2012

so the spring of the Aribs;

how can i give the dog a bone when  the bone and dog are both the same  person or group of People , Gaza ,i don't sit well with Israel on that one , and i can see its parales with 1944 Warsaw Poland,  when  the table was turned   but the Sean was yet the same ,  No  today's Point is  the man at the head of the Muslim brotherhood , yes the one that said they went going to stand or run  for the President .But  they did . they get  there people in Garza to send rockets  into Israel. also  they let  it become unstable in the Sinni zone , again it was the brotherhood that blew up the gas lines   and shot at  solders both Therese and Israels ,  all the time playing  lip service to what was happening , its there people doing the bombings  ,its there people sending the rockets into Israel , it was there people that shoot without any trial  or any due process,  (just how was it that shoot  them  but  to Tye them to a bike and dragged there dead body  around the streets  ,that was done to instill fear  into there people , the Jews didn't drag  people behind  bikes ,  cowards.   so    the man  never to stand  goes  to the strip stands with his hand  so far up  each others ass /so i didn't know  who was the puppet  and who was the puppeteer. then 3 days latter he makes himself a Demmie-god ,,a man above all  ,a man that no one or no thing  can ever question  or  say no to , he hasn't even got around to doing the deed of the countries consatution. but he made himself  the total power ,  were is the army now  not a boo was heard , after all it was  again the brotherhood inside the army that shoot and killed  there old president his crime ,that's right  making peace with Israel . COWARDS, never standing up as a man  but  hits his wife  rapes  his daughters  and  then  hides behind  there twisted view of faith , Ive never read or  understood any religion that  kills without reason  or respect for human life , its  all about money and power   power to money  money for  power , bend over  humans it wont hurt long , he is your puppeteer after all , puppet
 Any way i hope it wont go were i see it going .spring ,its a long long long winter i see you going too/

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