all Goverments are Bigots .
they lie to you and to me . they lie to each other never run aganst the Goverment in Turkey . if you do well or they dont do well . they will call you a terror group and stage a few bombings at peace rallys . then say they killed themself. or being a member of the police that look into coruttion in Goverment of Turkey . you will lose your job if your a Kurd then your free to kill if your in Trkey . much like if your a Palerstion in Israil . your free to be killed . the jews Are the Nazis of the 20th centry Gaza is todays Warsaw. But the Palerstenions didnt own the WAR DEAT of the west ,Now did they. so the word today is BIGOTS
------ Bigots-------
A person who has strong --- unreasonable beliefs---
and who does not like other people who have different beliefs or a DIFFERENT WAY OF LIFE
eg .. A Religous Bigot
or lets say Miss? TRUMP sHe was known to be a loud-mouthed opinonated Bigot
Sunday, March 13, 2016
gun dealling nations ishouldn't have any power at all . in The UN.
will you like to see the Change
I dont like the foxs running my Hen-house
Yes I'am talking about the world goverment's. today we have the people and there supporters . in the halls of Power . and Im talking about every were But mainly The UNs security Council .permanent memebers THEY ALL MAKE AND SALE GUNS across the Globe (they are the gunrunners of the world today and there all got a veto vote . well that makes the UN a JOKE and wearthless . so get ride of it completly Its just a place were brown noses go to get safe well paid jobs . read the book the emprers new cloths . and you will understand how the UN works . Brown Noses . each and everyone of them . A Joke . sadly i like a good joke ,yet i dont Like the UN at all . burn it to the ground .
today we have this mind numming stupided group called the UN its headed by the gun runners of the globe . the group that can veto everything . and then its workings now this is mind numming as well . they hire soilders from 3rd world countrys to run there peace keeping missions when there not rapping or doing drugs or being drunk on duity . they resale the guns that were turnned into them . well thats what Pakerstand did . the USA are the people that run terror groups around the world . drugs for money money for guns all going to people in countrys they say no other nations can do busness with , Bush sen was head of the CIA when they paid for and helped run ( bring in the death squad members ) If you dont think Im telling you the Truth Look Up (operation ,CONDORE -CIA- secret Papers ) in these papers you see that the CIA were behind the bomming of a leftwing poltician outside the UN building were he was asked to come to talk . and they ( CIA ) over through south american Goverments they didnt like . and they talk about freedom or democracy: The meanning of is
The belief in freedom and equality between people or a system of Government based on this belief ;in which POWER is either Held by elected representatives or directly by the people Themselive and yet the so called world leaders of this very said Democracy undermind Governments they dont like to left or to much run by the people for the people . Or Put it this way Put no other god befor myself . Quote the late great JC and yet they have on there money IN GOD WE TRUST ONE DOLLAR , they put money befor god .its there on the paper for you all to see . yet they say again were the godly ones . beleave what i say not what I do . .or your with us or your aganst US. thats more a dictatorship . So who is the spreeser of Terror
killing from the Air (they call them Drones)
funny thing is that , its the name of the male bee . And the male BEE , dosen't have a sting at all .They just live in a hive to mate with the Queen and eat food , Yet The world killers found it whaat FUNNY to name there Death unmaned planes after them . when has the USA not gone on a land grabe after a vilant act by a group of people Spain . remember the alimo the indians they have a few deaths they were blammed for . true or not who knows . One thing I do Know is when the same thing happens over and over then its not a innocent act at all but staged
The Britsh did it to the New Zealand Maroi had there land staken by the Britsh Goverment when they removed governer GRAY with a soilder He got troops from Australia , with the offer of land insteed of money . this was befor any act of war was comitted by the Maroi . and what they say was the course of the land wars was nothing more than white men shooting at a small group of unarmed Maori. .Becourse he had to start a war to be able to pay the soldiers he already employed and offered land too / them after the britsh goverment got the land off the people they signed a treatie with . they replaced the govenner back with Gray . becourse the Maori trusted him . Should they of trustted ether of them or better still should they of signed a treaty with people that dont know what Honner means . were ever they go its the same story repetting itself .over and over . with the first nations being inslaved of killed out . I can go on and on about this point but i say you cant teach a old Dog new tricks . or you cant teach people that dont wont to hear any thing in the first place . me I say you cant teach the unteachable . any thing . If they cant come to a understanding themselves then they will fellow what ever there told . and you know the truth is really told . history is written by the winners or the wars so do you think its ever going to be the truth . well I tell you now ITS NOT
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