all Goverments are Bigots .
they lie to you and to me . they lie to each other never run aganst the Goverment in Turkey . if you do well or they dont do well . they will call you a terror group and stage a few bombings at peace rallys . then say they killed themself. or being a member of the police that look into coruttion in Goverment of Turkey . you will lose your job if your a Kurd then your free to kill if your in Trkey . much like if your a Palerstion in Israil . your free to be killed . the jews Are the Nazis of the 20th centry Gaza is todays Warsaw. But the Palerstenions didnt own the WAR DEAT of the west ,Now did they. so the word today is BIGOTS
------ Bigots-------
A person who has strong --- unreasonable beliefs---
and who does not like other people who have different beliefs or a DIFFERENT WAY OF LIFE
eg .. A Religous Bigot
or lets say Miss? TRUMP sHe was known to be a loud-mouthed opinonated Bigot
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