Monday, January 30, 2012

here we are aging , hope your all well today , as i say any day above ground is always good


ths is the city state called Tyre 333 BC  so thats 3hundred  years befor J.C went to a cross ,or so they say
Any way when the  human race was small and stiol finding its place on the plante,you find  city states , thats what troy was athens,rome Tyre Babalon.constantinple, i cold go on . were city states and there power came from the power of size and being able to fill out a army. it was often the case that  packs would be made between these city states and that was when the great states would  form . but everyone of them came and left with only there beliefs and some art maybe foods , behind them . and a new power would take over till it too left ,  often they would fight between themselves , the power family's i mean . slaves  always made up the largest  group of members within each city state to run them do all the work , your life wasn't ever yours , and if it was there was nothing stopping a power to come and in slave you  or kill you out right , and that was a fact of life ,  35 was the average life span of a human  then , , why did i show Tyre to you . its on the coast of Siera.and its been a power all the way back to then , whats happening  around the east is  a religious group  taking over with the war cry democracy for all .meaning thyself relay , because they never had  respect any others way of thinking . never have  never will  have ether,  no matter what they say  now .so yes i  don't support what there doing in that country  and i blame the   so called reformists  for  whats happening .
 you must have  law  before you can have freedom .  never any good comes from a gun

Saturday, January 28, 2012


I'm going to  write each mourning or  latter on through the day .  and again at the end  of  each  day
I wont do that . i don't follow time in that way .i know night from day  and  mid night  from noon
 but  to  say mourning   to means when i wake up . close my eyes and i see a  box's ,around 5 inches high . filed with papers  unneetly, in there order , from  the upper reach of this hill of forms stick out  a book  and   on this was a  frame  that had a document within it . glass dirty with what looks like drips of dry coffee  over  one corner  . frame was made  of wood  Tuckie pine
and  with a,oily looking varnish. i look at what I'm seeing inside  my closed eyes and  I'm seeing ,my life  in time thrown into a box and now become discarded in itself,ended ,finished and no longer needed , the frame holds onto a merryory that's worth keeping hold of , hences,
 the  glass to cover it and frame,
 to make it safe .keep it safe ,
 the paper . well," thats  meaningless ",just crap" that we are made to endue ,for ??????????????????????????
 . THIS is my  bitch , why because were alive , a system ,be what ever that system is .
 rides us , me  .you . all of us , and  Hay! How ?? do you think they ,have been given any right to do that to me ,
 fuck  it all ,i do feel strong about this
 or whats any thing really mean then
  if you doing have meaning  to life itself .
the wicker-man . was or might of been is the better way to  think of it .  it would be a big thing  , a yearly event
 the people would look forward to it  ,why ,?because with it would come  bounty floods of food,well being . for Now ,that point in time ,your safe  warm and felling good about yourself .9 to 10 months time ,in the start of a winter you might feel different .and if food runs out  ,well ,lease  said the better  ,there .
 Summer comes the harvest, food becomes warmth, health.good tidings.
the human is a animal after all .
what do you think ?
do you like the end of the summer.
Spring is a time of growth
Back to the box . its a view of my worlds time  becoming stilted has every things  become ?
things are?
I am?
29th Jan 2012
I will hold all countrys to account.
I will ecpect the best at all times by any person or persoians. that mess use any power or control they may be given ,
I will hold any wrongs to be righted , and
I also beleve in, do untto others as you would have done unto yourself.
do no eveil
dont fuck the naboures wife .dont throw stons ,if your inside a glass house
have money ,so you dont need to steal
I also bleave  that some people are so broken ,theres no point in wasting time trying to fix them.waste of time  compleatly.  the sad thing is to ,these same people will be  treuly wounderfil in so many other ways too.   yet they will  have this broken part that will alwaaays stop them from working at 100 per cent
I think ,you should let me make those desicesions for you all.
I know would would not, ever cheat you or anyone for that matter .

I again lost what i was writing /

i had  said in a story of a early pirate .  he as a  child ,I'm talking around 6ish  taken by drunk men  and handed around from drunk to drunk  some  men may of helped him  but i read between the lines and say by today's standard .he would of ended up broken as a human .
1184 and yet its a lot older than even that date so . ??
 i would like to say the middle east isn't owned by any one .
its no more a Jew's  to a Arab , a shimmer own or a bird-hunter/ the whole world was at war with its self .

Thursday, January 26, 2012

a rant

for the last 3 days Ive not been able to use my Internet , as the suppler of it is a Lie . but you can lie if your a big company its .only the little person that has to  Abey the rules and  have they made sure there a lot of rules  to . how to  build a home . what time your aloud to make  nose at night .hunt , have  animals  on your probity but  that's just the start of a list .it just gos on and on  and on  and on  there so many rules that  we have to lead   our time over we don't get to fuck in live  it .still  ,the road death  is the same . deaths are going up  not  down  and even there , your ment to die , why do they make out  there in control of  things , we/you all   are fools . im tyed of trying to paint around the fact that your all mindless fools , and this is  exactly  the way the world should be , its just how you wont it  to be ,  right down to drinking to  drain your minds of your lifes , and  if thats  not  a cycle of your own making  i wish  to sale my passport . im from new zealand  and  you get my life   and its  yours  for the right price ,  no outstanding deats , good rocord ,meanning done nothing with my life  to date .

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

so ,anything NEW ?

so i see your all good ,happiness your thing
 its truly  what everyone dreams to obtane  for there families .or lets say loved ones  as Therese a large group of humans that the family is no more than a good to be sold  or traded  for a easier life for themselves and  nothing more ,as if that , drip of come .
 Has  a value.
i see the black man  sit and watch a women strugale  with  there  duitys as thats all it is ,  you cant tell me someone would do shite that hurts  to do ,if they felt they could  do something other . no one wonts a right sided world as the crap is all we realy have  thats  real .  crap lies and death .

Dose it ever matter .realy ?

even now i still get lost at the start of  this .
 i had something today to say and well i couldnt .
the net ran so slow  53.6 kbs
 insteed of the so called  7.4Mbs.
 its  so slow it wont work systems. and all afternoon i just  ,well you know!
 so  hows every ones day going  with you all ? the end of the day smile and  be merry or bill if it lets  you be happy 
and there we go whats it about you say
 How  would I know
so i take a walk and  wounder if it matters  ever . come  go  run jump
 jump  under a tree when it rains .is likely to get you killed by lightning

Sunday, January 15, 2012

the Scythians

 thisis  one of 4 paintings  to enjoy.

  this is the name given to a tribe of people i think lived around the  upper north of Italy? i think   maybe the Serbs of today . at one time they took all of Asia to Palestine  were they were payed off by  the  Egyptian . most races lived  in 3 parts coastal  flat inland , then mountain tribes, these were stock men headers. the coasters fished and traded  with other country's  by sea. then inland tribes were farmers , growers of, Wheat , food., wine , trees . and crafts. were done  by all . but in time they grouped into towns and then city's . the townships as a rule  were there was a trade base
any way  they were chasing them  and  beaten there they fleed into  the Mededs  land  at the  very same time that  the Mededs had just fought and Win the war.they fought  with the- Assyrians.
 so they weren't in a good state, to fight, a second battle  from out of the blue.  meanning , they were beaten ,  letting  the  Scythians have the  whole country.right  down to  Palestine.
and were payed off to stay out of Egypt, 
 most went home
 some staayed  and   robbed  temples   on there way back , brings  a Curses onto there  race , and its still said they only give birth to girls , . that means there names have been bread out and lost to time ,

IM READING HOMMER right now . read it i find any history good

I'm reading  a Greece called Homier .  he writes about the times , turn of the century . BC to AD .   up to about 5 .600ad and  he tryst to give you a balanced over view ,that's very rear in any writings,as winners write to rule books  ,
as i do say !.
 i see I'm down to one   in this blog .how fast they die,within  the true world
 i say the other day all these Chinese people outside  a shop in London to get the new year or boxing  day specials. and  it was   like over kill .they were there in bus loads  as a huge group that took it over  they were at the door first in  and on mass , i mean mass
  would you ever see a huge  group of poms  in  capital of china , (I'm not sure what that is ?)  on mass  to do shopping  for bargains   ever . i mean  ever  lol.

 any way   back to  book  latter

Im reading Homer . and well ? read it

I'm reading a early work about  world history  Greece, Med eds and  the  such,
Asked about were the med eds came from there Upper Asia the Assyrians  and from them after 500 years the med eds made  revolt ,  then it spread ,like the  bribe spring has  and  [i read ,the Assyrians proved themselves good men  and thus they pushed off the yoke of slavery from themselveses and were set free. . sounds good  don't you think . 
 No  its not really .  it gos on to say . the tribes of the med eds are many in number and well they fought .  along comes a  guy that  got himself a  good name as a just person and  he  used it  to become a despot ,  what   a good thing  is used  badly  .
   they  started out  by giving him the power to be a  mediator  between themselves . after a time  his power grew and then it becomes self  needing  and   grows   to , be  honest  out of control  as it was never  needed  to start with . if people  got along
 .. one  nation  around  that time  was fill of  death   they couldn't rid themselves of . after 20 years of this  the king splits  the nation up . and sends half with his son away ,they  go to the   sea and build ships and sail  away  .past  many nations to Ombricans (god only really  knows were that was .  ) somewhere by a sea   you must read the first half  of  this  story its good . he writes it in  3 or more different ways the  history was acted out  , depending who you were .
. so the  Assyrians win there freedom . most likely as solders.  . there  freedom sets off a  chain of events  that  free up  many  only to start fighting  with  themselves. 
around it went . any way i forgot what i was going to say .

en justice is ever at feud with justice .
 that's what i read   to set me  writing .
 this guy  became overly  right ch? in a land of lawlessness  . whone him  over to people , they  gave  him  this power , over them ,
 but   he  used it  to   get power  over other is  time .  but you get a feeling that anyone was   tender to the powerfil..
 so i best read  more
  hope your  all well and lifes being  good to  you  , 
and your   in my thoughts

Friday, January 6, 2012

tell me ,what is it ,YOU WONT ?

 What is it ,That YOU Wont ?
 please  do tell me , so I know ,
 its easy to say what you dont like or wont ,
but  tell me what it is  YOU  Wont ?
 send  a idea to  this email .  no prize given 
But it might move the world .

Thursday, January 5, 2012

i link to a art site and my ?

and it went .no im not for  tec.
art work
 so now this link is to a site  for art works ,its free ( as im not money baced ).
 and  it laeds to some of mine .
  In Joy

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

my blog and art work on a site s links test    is the link to my blog ,   is the link to  were some of my arts posted  too/on  is to my blog
 so if i can get them together it would be  great ..
other  E. mails ( hot mail  goggle  and yahoo) 
 I will list  them as remember  or  Close  the ones, i no longer use.
 mind you 
 if they never  stop the  information on you ever
 why  ever close any thing ,
what a  fools world that one would end up being
  get so much stuff
 that's no good as its all  old  dead knowledge.
  you know  seeing how i'm not  brought up on  tech. i feel a  scream inside me whenever i try to use it , i  know i can use it well ,just don't have the time to learn it all so well as i wont  to .  you know .i've had to learn 3 different  types of  almost every thing .  as well as learn how  to  add subtract , maths   using them  too , only to have them both becoming   NOTHING after all .  my life  has been to learn nothing  and  earn  nothing  of value. to have nothing  but maybe money  ,cold cash  and that's becoming wreathless,   that's   a life ,  thank you
 So kiss kiss