this is the name given to a tribe of people i think lived around the upper north of Italy? i think maybe the Serbs of today . at one time they took all of Asia to Palestine were they were payed off by the Egyptian . most races lived in 3 parts coastal flat inland , then mountain tribes, these were stock men headers. the coasters fished and traded with other country's by sea. then inland tribes were farmers , growers of, Wheat , food., wine , trees . and crafts. were done by all . but in time they grouped into towns and then city's . the townships as a rule were there was a trade base
any way they were chasing them and beaten there they fleed into the Mededs land at the very same time that the Mededs had just fought and Win the war.they fought with the- Assyrians.
so they weren't in a good state, to fight, a second battle from out of the blue. meanning , they were beaten , letting the Scythians have the whole country.right down to Palestine.
and were payed off to stay out of Egypt,
most went home
some staayed and robbed temples on there way back , brings a Curses onto there race , and its still said they only give birth to girls , . that means there names have been bread out and lost to time ,
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