Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Today i was going to write about how America has lost its way in many private and public matters

 I have just read a outline of the American bill of rights  and the constitution. Fist i found it funny that its a copy or both the  Virginia Declaration of Rights  and the English Bill of Rights  of 1689 along with The Magna Carta , of 1215
Then 1789 James Madison  introduced 39  amendments and when you read  some of the early   amendments , they were very clearly , in self intrest (the act of considering the advantage to yourself when making decisions,to do whats best for you .) the  amendments were like the right to have Arms  was to inpower a very weak  new nation. then the one to  place restrictions on Quartering of soldiers in Private homes .(amendment 3) was becouse the britsh crown  was making  homes within america to house there solders by law . again it was to weaken  there enamy and inpower themselves , . and  this list can go on . . But my point is  they make a lot of noise  about Guns  and the Americans right  to own and have them , over and over , its there rights under the 2nd amendment , But  were was there noise when they startted reading emails . going into all your personale dealings .Bank record's. health files , phone  traffic, 4th amendment The unreasonable search's and seizure's (Probable cause) requires a WARRANT . thats Judically Sanctioned.(signed by a Judge) Or a Search warrant
 again this  was to counter the Britsh Writ of Assistance.a type of open search warrant (issued by the britsh to empower themselves)  a major source of tension in Pre-Revolutionary America. the fourth Amendment was introduced in Congress in 1789

My point here is were is this outcry  when your human rights get tossed out the window on 3-4 diffrent times . you go on and clame  your  Constiution/bill of rights/Amendments. are the Honor of there Nation.  yet  you sold 3or 4 of them out in a heart beat. I dont live in a country  thats rich . but it lets me see most of the world  with  clear eyes .Look there is no one country  that dosnt have its problems , when ever you get groups of people together . they always fight , even if they agree with each other they will still fight over how they agree about it ,  .But  you can beleave me when i say  they all have a few people lording it over the many.Or the mass are allways giving everything to a few, Now  be honest  do you think that would happen if  the many had a you think for a minite  they would willingly  do that .
Do you beleave that a few people would be given every thing  by  the mass that have so little .Again NOT IN A  HEART BEAT .
 So you have to think . the only way that would happen is if One the few had the counties power.(Goverment ,Church, Army) or the Few  s power comes from crime. Gangs,.Maffia drug cartells. asian crime familys.tongs. ;Look these  crime groups are  quite huge . but at the  end of the day . they all have a top and  each top is closed off to the many and  are lived off by a few . all of these  things are all across the globe .In every country .Africa  and china  were and to a point  ruled by black magic. in early times there was the gods   controled by the few preast"s(churchs) and again a few rune the lives for so many  with only thinking of themselves.Always themselves, push drugs on the weak or  the ones who lives they have already broken down . by taxing there parents. the kids dont go to school  and the cycle of shit life is complet. crimes taxs honest workers  of there hard labour . robbing there familys  of advancment . goverments  that send there people to  Jails /Prison /Reform/Reducation (Most counties),Gulag's (russian)
Black  box Prisons (china) Im sure ive missed a few . But  . stop take a breath and look around , every country.has its Laws .plolice/army/jails. lawers.gardes. all to keep the many under control. for the few .  stop look think why do the WEST dislike the MUSLIM'S  (the few do you know)
They dont like them becouse they are not aloud to use or have BANK's
 thats  what the few hate Not being able to get hold of the money of the poor Muslims . the FEW rich Muslim's have all there Money In Banks . or stock markets . buildings in the west . they are true biggits. But  there mass . dont use banks and thats whatmthe west is at war with . ,the FEW wanting more. the Few are getting greedy. they Now   have stopped hidding behind closed doors . . from the time computers came along . the mass sould of startted to get things better  but  no the few used it  to sack the workers , to make money no longer cash ,
(all computerized money) less bank workers . stocks  trade's  every thing . all  for  less .. water  food petrol . life all in there hands  all going up dayly. the mass just getting ground down  war  crime  goverments .all working aganst  them . aganst us ,  aganst YOU. Look around . dont let them blind  you with SPORT .
 dont let yourself be lied too . by your goverments . dosnt not matter  what party or if  there is a party at all . Gaverments all Lie  too you .  they all are hopping to become   one of the FEW . THE FEW THAT STEAL YOUR LOVE LIFE JOY > FAMILY > CHILDREN  your will to be or matter .
 Well you all matter to me .  and we will all work to become  the many that matter that have taken  from the few every thing,
learn what your been tought. study  what they have done to us . and lets just turn it all around 180 degress Artist look after the people . dreamers shair your dreams  with the many . lets go out into  the Universe as a great united race . a human race that lives as in Peace .So if any life is out there ,it would welcome Us . and not fear  us . at this time . humans  what they cant cage they Kill.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Is ISIL Killer's or a group of paid for Mercenary's ?My Question

My Question today  as i already know the Answer  too  it .Is this .Question
 Is  ISIL  a group of religious Killers  or a Brought and Paid for group of  Mercenary's hiding behind a mask too inable   Killings .

 sorry I got side tracked .
In 2011  when gold was  at its Height. of $18230  per once.  we can say Putin  brought a huge amount  of gold  at this price   .just befor it  startted to drop   to todays price of $1226 per Once.  this is a loss of a  3rd. or  $600  loss  on each 1 once brought .
 Now  I know Putin is No fool so I ask myself   why would he need or want  this  amount of gold at this time and at that amount .  Cant say .   so  i watch I wate and  what other new  thing came  to hand in 2011 0r early 2012 .  talk of  Terror groups  were  in Syria    and   most of the world new this  not to be right . It was a  puplic uprising    and  as a rule it was peaceful   on  there part  Not on the So called Goverment of that time .  arrests  tourcher Gassings  Killings  in the army fo not shooting on unarmed people's/ Yes That goverment  if that was  what it was  called . .   the In  come the bum boys  ow and there was many  Non lived there  But they all felt  they had a right to a say    there .   Back to the Gold .    It was got   out  to pay  a group of people  that were both  chetchin            muslim extreamests .  Barrth supportters  from  the old  days Of Iraq.  and crime rings to sale  art  and historic  treasure's /Oil  Black market.   and from  Jail's ,  both russian and syrian all  under  the control of   the  secrite police of  those countrys.  and Iran / so you have 3  countrys that all Hate   America . they all worked to  set up  the head of  ISIS . so 3  groups of people get together and   form or  help too form  ISIS  . it helped  the  killers in Syria    look see i told you there  there (terror groups) russia  can  them come in  and support  these killers  and help them to kill more  kids and unarmmed  syrians.or drive them  from there homes . and Iran  gets to   have Suinnes from   Tehran to the   syrian coast right through Iraq  displacing  Sunni in Iraq as they go. and there already In Syria    hidden in Hazbollah.  that the USA said were broke due to  There  Sanction's. what a lie that is . they havn't been  so rich and well armed   ontop of gettting stocks of Gas  and  Cheam weapons off syrian goverment  befor they  got lost   intransit . lol   Its  Just Lie on top of half trouths on lies   and  spin its all crap .  Iran has itself  its Callerfit . Not ISIS  . just today isis   moved to  attack  a small gap on the turkish boarder . . the only  point  of doing it was to  trap  the syrian people inside  Aleppo .  thats something the govermet tropes  had been trying to do for a year .  so  just  WHO  IS  ISIS. and its time   all the oppersion  armed groups  work together . and stop your dame  bitching . its always    the same    men with no forsight . ONE EYE ed  fuck wits  that couldnt  run a down hill cart race, they would have  some going up some accross and a few  down all at the same time .just a huge fuck up  from  woo to goo
  MY point  if your not  sure is  russia  paid for   Iran and  syria .  with   russian and Chetchon  jails?   were  behind   the formming of ISIS  and thats   why they  worked hard to kill Americans  or  any  from the west .

 (just read a web page that says ISIS was formed by america.   the compleat oppersit of mine . yes they are the course of   but   they were killing americans  Think about it )

Friday, May 27, 2016

my photos . that lead to my art enjoy

  these are a few  of  why i dislike the human race . and ive yet to get to the KKKs hangings in the name of a pure race . how often have we/I heard that   now .  the Jews are  the ones   going about  that this time . did god tell them that too. also i dont understand  just how they  beleave   they told   them   palerstine  was theres  whem  the man walked around a desert for 40 years .one trip  up a hill and   when  he came down  if  i read  it right    the chosen ones  had   gone and  made idles  to worship  and were having a orgy. and still i didnt read  were   they were told to  take over a land that belonged to others , silly me . they must be lieing Go figer   thats number 2 or the 10 rules I know they were told ,  but  shite  do not Kill is  there to  and we know     how they treat  that  one . so   Just what did   there god tell them . ... thats 3 dots   or a 8 on its side  Im saying its endless . or pointless much the same . one  should ask the question .  why is it  that one group of people seamed to piss everyone  off . through out time .  the egyptions   had them as slaves . the romeans drove them out after they backstabed  them after  been given  there own right to self goverment. ow and  killed JC  as a parting jesture.  why not love them .   luckily the britsh had  war deats to be payed back to  the globle bankers of the time ,. and now there running america . ask Dump on the people  , becouse thats whats going to happen /

 cage or kill .

never any shortage of guns

 so whats it say about  the  human race  when its cheaper to  buy a hand granade  than it is food . whats it say  about  the human beings  when  faith   thats  only ever been about  love  and respect  for   someone outside of yourself . its turnned to hate  and  death.  whats it saying  about a race  that kills what i cant cage .  Ive never been a part of  your  human race it sickins  me  and with luck   ether globle warmming  will kill  it out or    Bombs will do it .
 to me as long as it happens . the last thing the universe needs .Is  a   race that behaves no better than killer ants  comming to  there space. .I look at every thing as honestly and as balanaced (well rounded ) as I can .  But sadly  the human race is FUCKED

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

has the truth ever been told to the Public(the mass)?

  This is one Question .Im asking myself more today ,than ever

 Today you can see the way the  Press ,TV raido.the Media use there reach to  sway there public viewer's.. these very often take  grafic lines   such as boarders  from maps.

  one conner to my  Pyramid of  society

 each conner support's each other .   boarders  and  goverment  you get religion
                                                         goverment  and  religion gives you Boarders
                                                        religion and boarders you get goverment
 each corner , not only  helps too  stregthen  each  other corner, put  in turn  strighens itself   in  doing  so.
 you can  change the words around in any of the  2 corners  only to find  , they will give you the  answer  to the 3rd corner 's words
 when added  together 
 like  (money ^ greed ^ banks)  see how easy it works , try it for yourself 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Turkey's new ?

             So do tell me 

Just what do you call the guy thats  become second in line   Prime minister .
 what is it when a country can be run  as a  presidential  Goverment when its Not   why even have rules if thety can be  just  over looked  you all voted  for a prime minister lead goverment  and not a president so  you in turkey  have been missled .  when the goverment lost out  badly  in the larst elections  and the Kurds  got  a few seats .  what did he do And  when i say He  you know  just  who im talking about .  he  startted  a war with the kurds again  stripped them of there seats  and  run through some laws that are so bad its  like your back in the dark age , what are the Kurds to do  they tryed  to do it by the rules and  what did it get them killed . called names  hunted down   and   even  the press or anyone that feels there is  something to  talk about  are  now being  locked  up .  So  with your New Prime minister I now  know  what a BUM BOY  looks like .
I say, remember the golden cage 
 when  charged with fraud
Is deliberate deception to secure unfair or UNLAWFUL gain
 or to DEPRIVE a Victim of a legal Right 
 Who do you feel is  that  main acter of these acts 
Who removed police officers   and  lawers that worked for the state .(We/ I, think of this as the crowen  having a head of state being a Queen )  the same  man  got  people that  were half the reason  he got into power   and outlawed them  took down there busnesses  

Ive got to go  so  stay well be happy  people love you all 


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

breaking news l

Al Jazeera english
 Its time this company starts to face up to its shocking new  reporting.  when you call yourself a new  brordcarster you cant try and create the news  .your to   report  whats happened  . you can  have diffrent view points  but you cant ask people what they think will happen   when or   what if .  do you feel  how bigs my dick .   they just ran stright out and reported tonight  the good news about a girl  held captive  by  a  group of fuck wits in Niggeria .    without    stopping and doing what was best for  all the other girls  being heald . they  told the world  good on you AlJazeera  you might of got your 15 mins of fam  but  what about  the girls  that will now  be moved    taken  somewere diffrent  becouse you   just felt you had the right to  tell  the captives of them  that they had been found out .  I hope the mums and dads  of the girls  Call you out on this .If they were my kids  I beleave in a eye for a eye .  How are your kids AlJazeera are they safe . warm tonight are they/  and   try and get the word Trump into it some were Im sure your good at that .  for one thats stopping   watching you . see you at the bottom for something to eat one day soon . Onslow

if your going to lie make it so big no one will dealt it

Im watching the USA senater's  voting on   what 9/11 victim's
 , can take Saudi Arabia Goverment to  court.(i take it to be there court)  we wouldnt want it to be impartial after all would we . and  if   the sardi  goverment were to blame  why did they go to war with 2 diffrent countrys all together . .  much like the 3rd building that collapsed across the road from the twin towers . It must of had a  bird fall ontop of it ... much like the gold that was ment to be in the safes under the world trade towers. A fact . all 3 buildings were owned or run by the CIA . what was it about  those buildings that  made some groups Hate them so much . was that not  were the pay masters that ran  Operation Cyclone (1978) By the Central Intelligence Agency  CIA
(part of the  Reagan Doctrine)
 go read the web site War
 with the  Mujahideen! in its   coverage
 when the USA/CIA used  and yes they did use  the  afghan people for there own selfish  wants.
 they worked out of the   World Trade Center
,that opened  on the  4th April 1973. and  the CIA was in it from Day One . right up till 5months befor the planes hit  them  on 9.november 2001/ so  when  the men were in the flight school  inside the USA   and first undertook the cowardly attack on  lower workers  cleaners  door people and   low level staff members .  It covered up all the  Industrial fraud .and fraudulent  bussness dealings of many  American companys . Enron was the tip of the iceburg And as we know the Enron  scandal was revealed in October 2001 / One month befor  the planes hit .  No paper work No more court cases .  turn the masses heads to a new place to hate .
and at the same time  clean up   there dirty dealings with sadarn.  let me  go on who was the head of the CIA in 1976 to 1977  lets Goggle it shall we .http//  Now  to  the men in Afghan Hills that couldnt read or speak english  all they heared was  world trade center new york. was were the stinger nissiles came from . the Gold and USA dollars   the same place  the world trade center NY .  CIA CIA  it just keeps comming up .  what a great day . for the lose of 3000 workers .(low paided)
 and 3 CIA owned or run buildings  they got  to go to WAR with 2 countrys . and  remove laws that were to protect people from a state with to much power  and a new building  a big Black  boxs like One  Called The NSA .
  i  see and beleave  that people will get in life what they desirve . its called Karma
these were men lied too by America
 I hope  my Blog today has given you some thing to think about .  feel free to add your own views 
  yours  Onslow 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Consternation ,Todays word of the day


This is the word of the day for today 
                 A feeling of worry,shock or confusion
 this word  can be applied  to some goverments  and groups . but its the people of the world  that i feel for  as they are the ones that have to live with  the insane things men do to get hold on to  and keep POWER/ None of them it seams  can understand .without  the people  there  so called power is nothing  
less than nothing  .  Aid is a joke .it keeps  humans down and enrichies  the FEW that supply the wheat
,grain .food stuff . when you keep the mass dependant on the small amounts  they need to live . then they dont speak out or fight back the very people that made them  refugee's in the first place .its Like the unemployment  and low wages   for the many . they cant or wont speak out of  fight back  in fear that even that little they get will be taken from them. 


who do you think,supports  the class-system?

 infact ,they keep it going all together 


You all have a think about it and i will give you  the answer   and  why its the answer .at the star of my very next blog/ hell cant wait that long 
 the Answer is  its the Middle-class  reason being is 
 they feel smug thinking  themselves better than the lower-class and  at the same time  they strive and aspire to become upper-class.
 the upper-class dont give a class system  a second thought .being rich  they dont need to . they have no need to  do a thing already  so be it upper -class . the lower -class well  they already know there poor. they stress over rent food kids  going to school ,day to day things  that every poor person would well understand . . infact they dont have time to  want for  anyting like a class-system/  now  for  my answer on why the middle class  are the supporters of the class system .is  this  they long to be  in the upper-class and loathe the thought of ,as eing  called  lower-class .so with  there being a  system that breaks people into groups(class system) it enable's them ,not be lower class and  still aspire to becoming one of the upper-class 
 please  feel  welcome to  any feedback you might like to add . thanks yours Onslow .(my first name )/ 
 OK stay well be happy and love the one  near to you . 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

todays word of the day

 its not a word  but  2 words .
the dictionary
Brown-nose  to try to hard to please someone ,especially someone in a position of
authority,in a way that other people find unpleasant.

Ive No respect for the new's media

I have had for some time very low respect for new 's outlets .
 they  crave money over  honest values .there drive to get  the world into a war that was  just down right dishonest .WMD how they all run  with the lies of goverments  that only wish was to  sale guns  and inpower themselevs with oil. (money). but  the new media laped it up like dogs  at  a dead carcass (feast on it well on the swollen belly of humanity)
  That thing Dump is the last straw . even when hes not running they still give it10 times the covrage  and its every half hour . and god only knows what Foxs is doing . so Im asking you all to TURN them all Off . stop reading  News web sites . turn them off .your TV 
 they treat you and me like  we are fools  they can make news up to fit there rattings . well  they cant .  so Man and Women up  TURN the shit off 

Monday, May 2, 2016

word of the Day , plus more

A person or of behaviour ,praising people in authority in a way that is not sincere.Usually in order to get some advantage from them / brown noses!
 I call them brown noses. becourse they have there face so far up  anyones arss  too  be a,ingratiate . often they are just ingrate's.  a low life  .is the person that tells others  whatever they can to be liked . by them . thats being   Ingratiate

 that guy  Nicolas Maduro . blames everyone but himself. and hes so stupid
 Its sad to see that every time the left gets any power they just fuck it up every time .  as for Russia  how can anyone stand a man that worked for the KGB  as a honey trap  that sent honest people to the grave .now  that guy is a true  Sycophant.  and    he got power from a drunk  man  that had lost his honner. If there is good people in  russia  they are  rear. watched a TV show  were this   guy and his nurse wife   had a group of things  were they went out and hunted guy men and women  . to beat them up . Im sure the wife  used her job to target   guy people for them .  and  a band  sings in a church  about putin   do 3 years in Jail .   now  thats One  very very sad  nation . but  , like the west any thing to sale  guns right . there is a wall for   all .

Would you TRUST a Jew ? a fear Question Im watching  the TV news If  you can call it News . the  great   forked tounged  Americans .   stand up and fight for your freedom . just  dont  expect us to  stand up with you .   GUN RUNNERS   all of them   noting less  nothing more .  .  the CIA has killed the 2 men they used in the 80s to fight there wars for them . bin larden   with russia in Afcanastan and  Hesane   with the Iran Iraq war . .  when is the man behind the death of a plane load  of people and the 200 unarmed  portesters in Kirve. get    there Justice .You all  must know Putin is  Not  Guy  hes a sickow  . likes to shit on   the kids  he fucks . much like hitler did .    someone paid the people of Maidan says the man with    the stage and  Banners all paid for  by Putin .  a man that killed   the belevers of the church . but now  he  supports the church . is there any thing he  is  .  well its like a waste of my time   do  what you will . Becourse  bird's will always come home                to roost
Anything to sale Guns . you tell me what its all about . Im happy to be wrong . 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

things have to change

guns  and money are not  bad .Its the humans  that use them,  that are evil
 I hope to bring my country out of its need to be lead by the nose attitude
We are a small   populated  nation!
 But we have lead  in a few ways that many nations would be proud of.
  And  we are going to leave the United Nations. all Aid will be  changed and all nations that sale or make wepians will be black listed . All  trade with shall be stopped . all Moneys of or from   these  nations shall be frozen
 No travle Into  or out of our country or  any Visas  will be stopped .
for New Zealander;s to  travle too and from. All the  Black listed  nations .
 The United Nations    and the  Security council
 (what is, I believe   too be," nothing but ARMS DEALERS".)
 are not and have not  the worlds interest's at heart. and I feel they foster WAR and DEATH  For Profit  .
     $$$$$$ So you know theres Money and Corruption  in that Mixs as well $$$$$
New Zealand will start  a New Global Boady on its own  but open too all
It's to be known as
                              Global  Harmony
 Its sole aim is .  whatever it takes . save the world from  the human race.
 save the human race from itself
 work towards one global Relighion, that envelop's all. and  many . setting aside  faith and  fact  From  fiction and mith.
Were the Ten Commandment's  are to be its  foundation .
Reilghion is a personal belief system  
( The High-point,  being on  the word PERSONAL )
Faith is openly  free to  practise
 No One  has the right too PREACH,    For no group is better than a other.
 Faith  and the state are to be  seperatted at all times  regardless of events

 Any Nation ,Can ask for help at any time  from ,Global Harmony
Too run Election's
  G.H will work to create Templates  for goverment  departments. that can fit a  country  and its People well (as a startting point)
 for the police  ,courts . Goverment departments . water  waste . Hospital's  phones power schools . courts Banks  .The CUBE
 Now the CUBE is to stop and catch all  and any corruption
CORRUPTION  is a cancer too a Nation
 Corruption stops a country from growing  and  advancing it's people
 schools  give knowledge ,Knowledge gives ideas. Ideas  gives  busness. busness gives Jobs . Jobs gives  Money.Money gives  better way of life  (growth)
  a List of diffrent Templates for  as many diffrent undertakings a  young  or Poor  Nation might need
 Law's for all .and  all for the Law's .

                                    I 'am  asking  You for ?
                   .No........ we are all in  need  of your  help PLEASE  please Help
Anything anyway
 Lets Do this . lets bring about a change  . a new  way too Live together .Not as one  But as many free healthy  and happy to Grow into  that brave new day .
                             thank you Im
                                             Onslow Sporin

like the Bees . working together as one for the  good of  them all 
 they have no rich list .  no groups getting it all just becouse of the time in history
 they work  everyday  as well as each member can to keep the hive strong .  and you all  think nothing of killing Nature
  the winners write  the rule books (history)  and humans . what they cant cage  they kill . I bee as happy to see the human race end .  that way the world  will stand a chance .

Friday, April 29, 2016

I love that Number


 do you give it POWER
                             I dont

what is it you dont or cant understand

 the  so called terror group Dash . is set up by russian Thats Putin amd Adsard Syira.  they told them  to go into the east of the country and  kill anyone they wanted too . Americans were at the top of the list .  then and  non muslims - and then  just anyone that they just dont like . Putin turnned  russian cash  into Gold .  2009 just after  the money market crashed,.Why to be able to pay  the men that killed 200 unarmed Ukrianian . It was a Very well oiled and trianed unit  that killed  all those unarmed  people ,(there brothers  there keeped being told  by russians )  then  he arms   men that dont like there goverment . yet there freedom fighters  not terrerist.  they are russian  .  yet a gorgin or a .  Fuck  it  im wasting my time . no one  gives a fuck .

shock horrier and gore

sadly  and i say this with a heavy heart . the human race is running towards its own end
 why? Was the mass told too say "its OK to stop learnning ".
 you only have  ignorance if and when you stop learnning .
 "Tell me", do you love your God or is it  FEAR?
I dont beleave ,your Honest
This is when  your  Boxed .
       Boxed ,Means:; being  seatted and conectted to Two Pollygraph's
 Were your asked If you've stolen from your country. asked Have you lied to your Countrymen and women  The CHILDREN.
 did you steal from them ----The Children!!,
Just how low did you go .say on a list  of (one to five)
 Five... being.your  hardworking and honest.
 throught to
one...Being that  you have killed
        .maybe the Possibility  That you've comitted a  murder
Three ....You crave Power  
         Happy taking it over the dead boadys of your  own countrymen  
Two have taken bribes. Excepted money in return for favouritism
Four..... you have  broken your oth of Office , your  Laws .and   God comarndments .

                      Ive Been Asked,To Write For WORLD  SWEN!

I think im going too ,the thought of a news paper that covers the other side of a  story .No Matter what the story Is ".Regardless"
I will need to Audio record there board  promising me the other side of all and any  storys REGARDLESS.Its  the Regardless i hold important  .  No firm today Has Honner 

Ignominy.  means to be Inbarest ,to have ones ego deflatted(thats if your a black  goverment member )
I was going to say degrading ,But i looked at the last Dump rally on the slim and the only  group of people i say pushing  shaving grabbing others ,
 erattically,  running around all over .
Like hens without there head's. Was The PRESS
  As for THE PRESS.   are'nt they now, just  a  JOKE !
War is WRONG ,but it dose inspire advancments  in technology.

ignorance Crown Prince

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Todays word BIGOTS

 all Goverments are Bigots .
 they lie to  you and to me .  they lie to each other   never run  aganst the Goverment  in Turkey  . if you do well or they dont do well . they will call you a terror group  and stage a few bombings at peace rallys . then say  they  killed themself. or   being a member of the police that  look into coruttion  in Goverment  of Turkey . you will lose your job    if your a Kurd  then your free to kill if your in Trkey . much like  if your a Palerstion in Israil . your free to be killed .  the jews Are the  Nazis of the 20th centry  Gaza is todays Warsaw. But   the Palerstenions  didnt own the WAR DEAT  of  the west  ,Now did they.  so the word today is BIGOTS

                                         ------ Bigots-------
A person who has strong   --- unreasonable beliefs---
and who does not like other people who have different beliefs or a  DIFFERENT WAY OF LIFE

eg .. A Religous Bigot
 or  lets say   Miss? TRUMP  sHe was known to be a loud-mouthed opinonated Bigot


gun dealling nations ishouldn't have any power at all . in The UN.

 will you like to see the Change

I dont like the foxs running my Hen-house 
Yes I'am talking about  the world goverment's. today we have the  people and there supporters . in the halls of Power . and Im talking about  every were  But  mainly The UNs security Council .permanent memebers  THEY ALL MAKE AND SALE GUNS  across the Globe  (they are the  gunrunners of the world today  and   there  all got  a veto vote . well   that makes the UN a JOKE  and  wearthless . so  get ride of it completly Its  just a place  were brown noses  go to get safe well paid  jobs .  read the book the emprers new cloths . and  you will understand  how the UN works .   Brown Noses   . each and everyone of them . A Joke .  sadly i like  a good joke  ,yet i dont Like the UN at all .  burn it to the ground . 
 today we have this   mind numming stupided group  called the UN  its headed by  the gun runners of the globe . the  group that  can veto everything .  and   then its workings  now  this is  mind numming  as well . they hire  soilders  from 3rd world  countrys  to  run there peace keeping missions when there not  rapping   or  doing drugs or  being drunk    on duity .  they  resale  the guns  that were turnned into them . well thats what Pakerstand  did .  the  USA  are  the    people that run terror groups around the world .   drugs  for  money  money for  guns   all  going to   people in countrys  they say no other  nations can do busness with ,   Bush    sen was head of the CIA when  they paid for and helped run ( bring in the death squad members ) If you dont think Im telling you the Truth Look Up  (operation ,CONDORE  -CIA- secret Papers )  in these  papers  you see that the CIA  were behind  the bomming  of a leftwing  poltician outside the UN building were he was asked to come  to talk .  and    they ( CIA )  over through  south american Goverments  they didnt like .  and they talk about  freedom  or   democracy: The meanning of is 
The belief in freedom and  equality between people or a system of Government based on this belief ;in which POWER is either Held by  elected representatives  or directly  by the people Themselive and yet  the so called  world leaders of this  very  said  Democracy  undermind  Governments  they dont like   to left or to much  run by the people   for the people .  Or  Put it this way   Put no other god befor myself . Quote  the late great JC  and yet they have on there money IN GOD WE TRUST ONE DOLLAR  , they put money befor god .its there on the paper  for you all to see . yet   they say again were  the  godly ones .  beleave what i say not what I do . .or your with us or your aganst  US. thats more a dictatorship  .  So  who is the spreeser of Terror
         killing from the Air (they call them Drones) 
 funny  thing is that , its the name  of the male bee . And  the male  BEE , dosen't have a sting at all .They  just live  in a hive to mate  with  the Queen   and eat  food , Yet   The world killers   found it  whaat FUNNY to  name there Death  unmaned   planes  after  them .  when has  the USA not  gone on a land grabe  after  a  vilant act by a  group of people  Spain . remember the alimo  the indians   they have a few   deaths they were blammed  for . true or not   who  knows . One thing I do  Know  is  when the same thing happens over and over   then  its not a innocent act at all but staged 
 The Britsh  did it  to the  New Zealand Maroi  had there land staken  by the  Britsh Goverment   when they removed governer GRAY  with a  soilder He got troops from Australia , with the offer of land  insteed of money .  this was befor any act of war was comitted  by the Maroi . and   what they say was the  course of the land wars  was   nothing more than white  men shooting at a small group of unarmed Maori. .Becourse he had to start a war  to be able to  pay the soldiers he already  employed and  offered land too /   them  after  the britsh goverment  got  the land off the people they signed a treatie  with . they replaced  the govenner  back with  Gray . becourse the Maori trusted him . Should they  of trustted ether of  them  or  better still   should they of  signed a treaty with   people  that dont know  what Honner  means  .                                                                   were ever they go  its the same story  repetting itself .over and over . with  the  first nations being inslaved of killed out .   I can go on and on about this  point  but  i say you cant teach a old Dog new tricks . or   you cant teach people that dont  wont to hear  any thing in the first place .    me I say you cant teach  the unteachable . any thing . If they cant come to a understanding  themselves  then they will fellow  what ever there told .  and  you know  the truth  is  really   told .  history is written by the winners    or the wars  so  do you think its ever going to be  the truth . well I tell you now ITS NOT  

Friday, January 22, 2016

word for today


                 (of a person or their behaviour) Is
           slightly DISHONEST ,or Not speaking the Complete
  Just look at Any member of a Goverment (they lie by nature)

 So  thats a nice and easy word to  rememeber  and   also  what it means  
Heres  a  example . your nabour asks to loan your lawn mower.saying he will return it stright away  clean ,with  the petrol used replaced. you know hes not returned  any thing  hes taken  .so hes being DISINGENUOUS in saying  he will return  the mower . In fact he lied
Members of  all Parliaments 
Do  like  to  say "Its  not lying "  and if any thing   they are just puting a Spin on whats being said .

  But  No Its  still Just  a lie  and  its lying  .   even to say its spin is being disingenuous.  Look at Flint Detroit. .Ml   .USA 
For over 3 years,
 the poor members Of Flint Ml were being told that nothing was wrong with  there water , were the truth is  its POISON 
with very very high LEAD levils (rashs skin blisters   hair falling out  ect.)  now  that mayor was being  very  Disingenuous when he  told  the people  to keep drinking the water  it will come right in time ,      was a out and out lie  and  they should  do  jail time   for  it , I know  the poor get to go to jail just for being poor .1 to 2 years on remarned without a lawyer to speak for them in court . In fact The USA has a system  were they lock up there poor to enrich  there weathly friend's
 So the children of  the poor ? (and i question   if there poor) will have health problemsas well as learning problems  all from  the lead poison.  in time  will end up  infrount of courts  and in time  jail  or death .  But  hay drink the water  you can trust me Im not  a lying arsshole  that dosnt live in flint  maybe  not even Detroit. thats  what they do you  know , there Political whores. like the Bushs  have been miss clintion a nother. they  buy a home  but have never lived there .worked or brought there kids up  there , there  whores  like i said .  everything about  them, screams Disingenuous
  so stop not votting  and vote all of them out of office , find  and make  that someone   to stand  for .  so there can be a diffrince  one day
 I would go with any one thats a ARTIST  . thats not  to into a lot of artists can be   up themself/

  OK Love YOU All  and a Good way. And  every year  Is a year closer to the day the JEWS do the payback. witch they will  be doing  one day.  I was going to  put a photo here  of Jews In 1948 dressed as aribs  after  going into a  unarmed village at night  and killed the people that lived there . How many lies  were  there   just there , 5 .six . or  was it all lies . much like  signing a peace agreament  with  them .   and they say  dont  trust a greeck bearing gifts 
maybe there  PATHOLOGICAL  ?