Friday, January 29, 2010

the world Press (bottom feeders of Life )

  this point i will  repeat .
         a few times a dear say  over time as  its a  thing i see and feel strongly  over , The world Press ,  
   they have become   and by part we have  let this happen  ,  become a thing  ,i have  no respect for  in any  form whatever ,they  goal is to make money ,no more ,no less ,  they feed on miss fortune  like a dog on a bone ,     ripping it down  a bit at a time till there's nothing  of it left , and  the bone  is there good name ,    they have this   high and mighty   code of ethics  and  what's that about ,   we have the right to  keep our sources  confident ,  like a priest  uses the confessional , (this i don't like  either )   as if there above the common  man /women   ,   But  they do  wiled  a massive amount of POWER ,  again  this we have given  them , 
    OK  what it is  i don't like about them , Is   they feed on bad News  if   that's news  . as a kid  it was page 4  the crime page   and  even then it was a small part of this page ,   it was a   embarrassment   to ever  get your name   printed in that page ,your family would be shunned  by  everyone that new there name.   You being the person to bring this misfortune down pone  your family would   find   yourself    shunned  by  them, as well. 
  The community as a hole , no one  wonted to be on PAGE 4.
  But  now  the  news is all  about bad things , and  when a few weeks back i was watching TV program  that  was about mass murders , this one show was about a guy in south Africa  and   was killing women   next to cain fields  were they would be left and in time burnt   when the cain was set alight ,  Now  you might be wondering what's this to do with the Press, 
  This is   what ,
 they went on to interview a women that worked for the  paper   in the city  at the time  and she said  and  this was with glee, WE WERE SO THRILLED TO HAVE  THIS MASS MURDER  ACTIVE WITH IN OUR COMMUNITY, we have never had  such exciting news to write about  and  everyone within the paper was thrilled that  this was happening  for them to  write about ,
   THRILLED  ,they were over the moon to have  this killer of  13 women to write about  ,great news ,  a first  and the glee in her face as she spoke about  it 
 For a long time   I've  not  had much   hell be honest no respect  for  the press  and to a point  the reporters   ,as they need to    work and there editors  are  masters over them ,  but    well    be  fair ,  could they print papers if they stood up to them  so no there as bad as   each other   BOTTOM FEEDERS  of the lowest form
 PS  I'm still hopping the 3 ships fill of wipions    of mass destruction   haven't run out of fuel  since its been 8years  that  i was told    by  our paper  that  its a true fact  they they were put out to sea  , and that's not Fox's ,i wont call them news

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