Wednesday, September 18, 2013

what they dont tell you about the GAS of Sirya,that kills children

what your not being told about?
 who's playing Who
and for what, in Syria.
Have you ever asked why is Hezbollah Now in the war in Syria.
 there are Now Jews there
 there is no westerns to hate and kill ,
In fact there killing children of there own kind Muslims.
 Then you need to ask yourself  what do they wont  for going against there own .
 So what is it
What do they wont.
Money .No
there very very rich ,
 there people might live in camps
 without schools .Jobs .very much at all . but  they can hate the Jews for that cant they   but Hezbollah is very very rich .
So its Not Money .
 its Not  the hated Jew or evil westerners there not there
. So what is it that they wont ,
 they must wont some thing 
, Or are they into probing up dictators.(that's not looking good for the gazer strip then or lebanon. is it )
 what's  One thing  that killer of children got that they cant get off anyone . 
that mad man is going to pay them with his siren and that other killers he has ,  then all those  tens of 1000s of missiles they have shot into Israel with only killing 3 people
can Now be filled with a gas .
 Russia knows this ,
 they have had  there  day and ways of killing Jews
 right throughout the Russian past.
And then there's  the good old CIA  (the most hated group in the world ) .
they know it ALL AFTER ALL(thank You ,NSA,DDA. EEA,FBI,CIA,GOD,DOG. 666, USA . did i miss any??? they have so many funny how the crimes have the keys much like the fox's at the hen house door  saying  you can trust me . read my lips ,I Don't lie . but don't say the truth ether 
Or they might not be that stupid after all , they only have to be slightly brighter than there nation after all . or maybe this is  there last play . to bring on there end game . 666.
 Its there rule book after all . and funny as it is .its everyone's rule book , ha ha ha  bend over humans it wont hurt for long .
  so there you are  Hezbollah will move tons of siren gas into there strong holds In Lebanon or move it into Iran . there seams to be no hold up in there moving Men with Guns  and the guns as well around . Russia , now that's a Joke . your letting the fox's look after the hen house ,if ever i've seen it .  how many countries have they blown to bits since the ussr ended 3 or is it 4 not counting the others there  blackmailing . but  why not trust  the fox's  .there not my children after all . hell they gassed there own .just to kill 6 bad guys they killed what was it 160 kids at there school rooms. Now that's a government you can trust . you know Putin's  Guy  after all,don't you . i think he protests to much . a lot like tom cruse jumping up and down on a tv show . i think he protest to much is the saying . ha ha ha 
 I best watch my coffee now  . don't wont to rot from the inside out  ,he's a man that can shop at the KGBs  not so nice box after all . 
 Any way . that's what's going to happen
Hezbollah is going to get paid for killing there Own with siren gas .
 that they will then use on Israel .
that will start the world war 3 or  let  the big killers kill the little killers  . and after all they are the ones that never go and fight do they .  the 5%ers. the same ones with the money  . shite why have the other 95 % around any way  they don't have any money any more  so better to rid the world of them . Robots can do the work now after all . there realy not needed at all are they .   But  thats just what i think  and who am I after all .