Monday, December 21, 2015

sad ,,just so sad

I watched 5 Afcan  I cant call them so;ders  .but its what they are putting foward . the Taliban has over ran a ffffrent  area  Of Afcanistarn ? again and again there wasnt a respondance too It/them .
these  solders couldnt hold or fire there guns . not one of them had the stock  into there sholder and 4 of them wre not looking were they were firing. the 5th guy was half  way into the sky or  well .god well over anyones heads . the badies are rteal safe of never being hurt  with those  fools . and you know they will shoot off all there rounds  with in a short time and them run away leaving all the guns behind  so if there stopped they can clame there not solders and  have a dirty cup of tea. with the men there ment to be stopping .
will it matter . hell  yes it ,matters 
we dont want  the 4 main races   living together were all. to diffrent . meaning   I can stop dishonest  people .if we truely wish too stop them?
 So things cant end well 

Saturday, December 12, 2015

13th December 2015/ its now . we as a world, can come together .

As work together and bring green clean water and power  to the globe

 the  counties  with nothing . it might be better becouse  do it right at the start.Do it once

wind  power with soler  is the best, spreed out un-conectted    to form green power vallages/ windmill40Kwats. light busness homes. 
add that to Bio gas. for cooking and power-Generater/water 
 country water  plan.,
every  private home too have  tanks
for water .roof  run,off  ive  4 tear mew homes city
                                                old homes with tin roof On all readdy
                                                old  country  village  grasshuts Round
 design a plastic membrian DYI the tanks outter shall         or put it into the  ground 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Im a white male born in the south Pasific and I dont like what America is too

I dont like the Church or any people that hold any faith over others .I dont like strong nations lord it over  weaker ones
 I loth rich people getting away with every thing only becourse there rich
Law is a lie
 the UN is a joke .
and i wont buy anything made in China or any  other place that use  goods stolen from  the 3rd world . yes  thats  the west as well
I walk
 I hope to nove away from the human race more  so . touch wood

EU open your homes up to ---.whats that word again?????

Take this Photo onboard.breath it in  and then think .These are women mueded 80 years Ago . by turky
 do you really need  people that think this is OK to live and walk around freely  in your nabourhood .  ,Man up and stop being so dame PC corect all the time wrong is wrong
 I wont say Any one is better than a  other  one's

but there is to much hate to just make nice now when   some one wants to get there hands on something  more .MONEY 
Ask turky were are all the  greek otherdocks churchs that were in there nation 90years ago . or the monistrys the schools . I do have a list .

So   now they want to be a member of the EU  Why?
there actons have shown you all there is nothing there they even want on there own land , they murded Removed the people and there buildings stole there belongings  and there homes , was it beleafes or greed . wanting what the others had . and   come on people  there still doing the very same thing today in Ctpris.

there is to much CORUPTION
 and thats still  the same . I grew up  in a place were i could go to bed without a locked door 

 Do what  your going to do . your all as fucked as each other if im too be honest . you all live on HATE and your all  agly on the inside  fine cloths or a vale want change that . 

 what sort of person dose this to anyone

or starve children 
 or maybe thats OK after all we have seen these sort of photos befor 
 this could be from  Hitler, Starlen,a Greek or a jew  maybe a Armenen or a Kurd. a Palerstin????
dose it matter who  they are  Its What they have become thats a Crime
  and you lot talk of a heaven I dame sure i dont want to end up in any place you lot might  be . 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

still the People Die

there is one thing thats the same the whole word over . Men and a few women that become Pokitisians .(goverments) Dont give a shite for the people they rile over . The only time they even come to mind for them is when they lie too them all . So they can get there Vote. and they will rell them everything and any thing to get that Vote,
I enjoy reading History . and i try hard to get 3 diffrent view points ,Its hard as the winners are the ones that always  get to write  the History ,I like to say its the winners that write the rulebook,
  and No winner ever puts themself in a bad light . So the truth is often over looked completly
 We as a Race (that ive a very low apinuon of) need to remove the people that put themself foward to goven Us. and get people that are best for the wellbeing of all mother earth included .
How many times have you heard  its the markets .the aconnamy Money that can or cant be why some thing can or cant be done . and  for some reason money is being put infrount of the human race as a whole . Its Great for the 1percenters . they get to grabe more of the planets wealth .  but  tell me  when were you larst ceared for .  your asked to fight in wars to keep them in power , your asked to work you life  to end up with what Nothing of Value . the markets are now made  so every 5 years everything  is replaced . that means nothing  becomes wearth more (except gold or money) If that was the way it was 200 years ago we would have no art or antiques today/ do you think in 2115 windows 85 would be weath anying? anything at all . or what about music ,live real music nusic boxs , wax cilinders, 75s,EPs  ,33LPs , reel to reel tape , tape-cassette, CD , DVD  USBdigital ...
thats  one thing over a 40 year time fram  and   what is any of that wearth to its owner now Close to nothing , so get rid of the people that will be goverments . get rid of the people that live off the beast  and make the beast healthy.

feed the beast
                   Free The Beast
let the beast run free

the bees are what will tell you we have lost the rught to live . and it is a right  given to us,

And we will never  enter outter space  till we learn respect



Sunday, December 6, 2015

do you feel Safe

My hat is off to America . you have done more to make the world a unsafe place for the commeners, than any other nation.
they go on abot there bill of rights , what about my right to not have you invade my private life
 what about the planets rights, for  clean water and freash Air
the white rhinos right to not go exstinke what ever  this just pisses me Off
.As they say
 in god we trust one dollar .and the Jews. funny that .  who can trust a goverment that hides war crimes  of its own  salors for 40 year.  at the same time going on about  we never leave a solder behind ,  there so fill of crap .

                                                      so trell me feel safe yet ??

 funny how a good killing always brings out the Ugly
 and the rest are Cowards that  will give away there freedoms to let someone else do there dirty work . Thats how Cowards work .
Russia is startting to work with Iran over Syria. and a murder is back infrount of my TV   after all No news Is GOOD NEWs
 Iran says No one  But No one has the right to decide the fate of Syria  but the syrian's?
(not sure how thats spelt)
 Iran .they support   anyone thats  anti the USA in Afcanastain,Yemen.Irqa

todays News

So the 2 diffrent parlerments In Libya have said they will work together . the said plan is for the next 2 years 10 men and it will be only men 5  from each side .  ,Now these 10 men will make up a interim goverment that will leed the country to free and fair Elections . So lets add this up  and if your a fool and  think  it will last longer than 3 days .
 well its 10 men  that will take  forever to work out  lets say  a year .  then add the 2 years they will goven   to that so were at 3 years . then  you will need time to hold a election .  thats If  it gose ahead without and problems. Let me  give my one reader a history leason . Hannabil the leader that almost brought Rome to her knees was Libyan, from my reading on him .He was a great leader  both in  battle  and in goverment . He brought the waring tribes Of Spain together  and made  them into a Nation . that in all fearness became a great Nation. But   the one think that stopped Hannabil wasnt Rome  . It was  the cowards left behind in Lybia. they didnt want to send money or solders to support him .In fact they were all planning to get as much of Spanish land as they could for themselves.  Remind you of any thing ??
 so In the end a romen came to spain and said to the people if you support me I will get ride of these gready Lybians for you and you want have to pay them taxs or send food  or horses to support there armys any more .  and the people ran to the Roman flag .   removing  all suport left for the war Hannabil was waging with Rome . For crying out load  he was at the gates of rome . there poletions had all ran away (cowards that they always Are) you never see a goverment  man in any tyrinch  in a time of war do you Never Ever.Trust me those sort of people love to tell others how to live  but will never die for there beleaf

So  back to  the Goverment of Lybia  So its going to be  2 groups of MEN that only cear for themselves  and they will waste the next 5 years  comming up with Nothing , the Problem with  Libya is the shite runs the  Place . or the Foxs are running the  chicken coop and we all know if theres One chick  and 2 foxs  they will fight to the death over it rather than shair it together.  they are still Pirate and  slave traders (people trafficers)
 and the good peopleof Libya .What of them you say . they are  around and they are really good people  there .
They all had to leave the place .or be killed .Its the same crap  by the same shite  that happens  the same way in every country  Warlords get to the top out of death and fear and  you cant remove them becouse they kill off all the good people handcufe them with FEAR
 any way this Peace deal with the 2  goverments of Lybea .I give it 3 weeks

In fact they are only doing it out of lip service  and Im sure there all  stapping whoever they can in the back . and the whole thing is just to stop the UN or the world leaders  from trying to sort out the mess there in ,  Religion should be within a person not a countrys goverment.and when it is you will only see death from it . becouse bad people do bad things  even with good things .Its there Nature

Friday, December 4, 2015

the 5th Dec

 Its a Day that each year has meanning to me , the day of my birth
 Of late the years melt into each other  and  have lost a lot of there meanning or  they dont hold the same magic they used to hold  to the young  kid i was . maube Its the world I find im now living in . the system has come up with a new word to install fear into the mass 's same fucked game os the cold war .same fucked players  as befor  the nations that make and sale  wepions.  but now they can  sweep everyone and every thing up into there new game . If you want to change the goverment  ,they can now say your plotting to bring down the goverment . if you protest the banks getting away with mass murder. witch they do year after year . goverments that are run more like a crime family  than a civic service that there ment to be . the thrft of a countrys money  or wealth as money is  just  whats used to count what they are stealling not  what makes up  a nations wearth ,Truth is the people within a place is its true value.and on top of these 2 very destructive actions. the money magits are killing the planet and we the people seam to be unable to get the powers to be to do there duty to us and the planet. That in its self should show you all just how out of control every thing has become . your goverments arnt working for your good , but  for a amazingly small group of people . half would be Jews  the rest would be old money and old familys . they have used there money to buy power and  control . they have made money from wars  by playing both sides  and from many diffrent angles . like food  clothing . arms gins  loans to countries to undertake the wars  and always with a profit line . the 1908 tp 1913 world war was how the Jews got to  get Palistine from its real owners . and we have all seen were thats leading to .. henry Ford   was a suportter of  hitler. busnesswas always anti people power (comunisem)?
 becouse  that would remove them from there power and money. wages ,profit ,supply and demarnd. all go away under true people power , But that too was corupted.In theary people power should of been a good thing . but when men are in control they always become coruptted by the power there given by the events . Religion is no answer ether . For crying out .Religion has been around as long as humans could add 2 words together . and hasnt fixed a single thing and never will Its Broken.Not  faith . but the humans that weald it. like guns or money cars  none of them are bad or eveil. its the humans that use them that are  the Eveil ones . every thing else  are addermint objects. with no mind or feelings of there own .Its not till a human is added to them that they get to act or react ..I still hope the human race might die out Aids was a glimmer of hope . eboler is a new one  and im sure as I stand here as humans want change  , then mother nature will remove them  or end .ether way  the human race will end .sadly mother nature might end as well. Its a price i feel is wearth paying

 What do you think?

Sunday, November 29, 2015

the dog will come home and ........

 When  the sadness of Syria is at a end,
maybe if it takes2 .3 .5 years of murder.As Murder ,is whats being done. 
Any way all the fighters that are left alive will return to there homes and as I know the bulk of them came from the jails within Syria  and were releasted  by Alis Basard.Is that the dicks name,?
 and 6000 of them  have come from  Chechnya . and one can only beleave they were in prisons there . As that number  free  within the puplic would mean  the war was still being fought ./ So with the gold Putin got.2012 and the fornatics locked up in the jails in both syria and chechnya   they were flown into  Tartus and given a mandate . kill as many rebels and any groups that apose  Assad 's murders family and bum boys like  Putin. Come on people .do you for one minite think Putin gives a fuck for the women and children of Syria, do you even think that Assad cears for power over the tops of the dead of his country. The UN is  joke  all nations that make weapons are all the devils heanchmen. the UN is a farse. if i ever got to  say what stand New Zealand would take it would be to leave the UN and start a new one  that didnt have war munggers in it at all . It would build up weaker nations with help and  green tec   for food and power , Not Aid .Aid keeps the people down .its there way to control you all . Aids was given to africa by the  american peace corp of the 60s 70s . with the mass injections ,with a Few  Needle's (Syringe) Do you think nature would come up with a death that only target gays  and drug users . or poor people that dont use condoms. mother nature dosnt work that way  it kills everyone with out. Look i can go on about  much  but it falls on deafe ears .  the human race is broken .I pray to my god  that  it will end befor going out into space .  were filth. Kiss kiss to next time 

Who is that Pritty-Boy Then??

I think .No i support russians on there  open mindedness  and votting there Presadent In. 
 it just gode to show how wrong  the west is about you all . 
 He supports A Church that hates  there kind. and  the work he did for the former not Known. and with the sad death of  Alexander Litvinenko/ you will never get to know what he told me . It was his hope and he truely thought  by telling Putin he would write  what he did as Putins handler within the West German  Scene. What we call what he did was  worked within A Honey Trap.
 I mean He may not even be that way  but did what he did for the country.Now thats deaction for you  the other thing is how your country reaced to get all the young boys  out of harm's way in the Ukriane.
strange it wasn't both boys and girls. But they were safe.Or were they? Still good for you . I know were wouldnt have  a single man rule us .Healen Clark had to leave when she was found out being in a relationship with her  female starff member. And our church is a lot more open minded  than  the cathlic  church, and from what ive seen of yours There pritty biggitted. In hind sight maybe it was a good thing to  ban religion. I know they dont do much good for the human race in any form  they take . to have the bad you have to have the good. Or theres no black without  white 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

the Pyramid of Society

 To me I see all things work along this tool of thought . in each  point of the Pyramid you can place  all the main things that make up a nation /country
 and  you will see that they go to support each other in its  existence . religion and Politics. They  will give you  Borders
 again Borders and Religion .gives you  the countries Politlcs
and again ... Borders and Politics will give you the Faith (religion) of a country.
Now this can be a good thing or a bad thing . depending on who uses or miuses it .
 example police law courts
 all work together  to help run a society , each one by itself is there to watch  the others and stop and deal with any wrong doings .  So the police watch the courts and the goverment .(that makes the Laws of the land)  they should stop coruption in both the courts and the goverment . useing the laws they already have  . the courts and goverment watch over the police  to again stop coruption  and the police and courts watch there goverment from being corupt. each in its own right has a way to stop wrongs and make a nation strong . each doy getting stronger  by there actions
 But when they dont work .do there job are corupt  they dont watch the courts and then they will take bribs to let the rich off . it wont hold goverments up to the law when they take back handers  for contracts or just take money out of the state coffers . and in return the courts and goverment wont run a police force thats of a high standed that everyone is suportive of and will strive to strighen it with information and comunittie support (No Police force can run without its soocietys support)
 Now  back to the Pyramid this  unite of 3 works in so many diffrent ways and things . I say try it out for yourself  and see whats out there thats a direct resolt of Societys Pyramid........

 dishonest goverment  will give you corrupt police officers . and  courts that you can buy your way out from . see how you cant have one without there being the others . if your cops are Honest. they already have the laws to arrest judges and lawers that break the law  and polertions that steal and take kick backs . (they are the lowest or the low, people whos given nations trust, only to missuse it) but  like i was saying it only takes one good cornner of a bring the rest of the cornners into line .
and for all you things that say its gods will bla bla bla   as if that makes it OK well its not OK and god never said it was his will you lot did . god has given you all , AND this is written in the OLD BOOK . do not steal .do not kill do not fuck somenes wife . dont  well theres 10 rules . Now as far as i know  these are the only thing gods ever told any human. so  pill down the men at the frount of the room speaking hate  and stand up for whats right and you all know whats right  Just like you know when your doing some thing wrong .  You dont have any come backs . its one or the other  . not like a polatision. they spin shit 24 /7  and say nothing of meanning   and what they do say  will become a lie in time , you cant trust any of them . if you could they wouldnt be polations in the first place would they .  Use the Pyamid
  thank you . as for the people that chop a person up  with  maseties. man up  go alone to do your cowards work . yer  thats what i thought .  your cowards .

Monday, November 23, 2015

what is fear. and how long has your life been controled by it ?

it startted with a fear of the dark . the unknown . whats out there you cant see only hear its sounds in the dark . and you see the torn boadys of there kills in the mornning light. they feared that they didnt understand ,  so did they learn  what was there in the dark . make fire .to see by, no.they locked themself into caves and blocked the doorway . you keeped the unknown outside hide from it .  then came Death . now thats one unknown that no one has ever come back from .or if they did ,you didnt like what they told you .(the nothingmess of death. a empty blackness. maybe they just didnt look in the right place . after all how big is life after death . really.I would of thought it would be every thing /every were . the mass the ALL. but I never saw it . maybe No they say they never saw it eather .cant see why they would lie too me after all they had nothing to win or lose by whatever they said / JUST BLACKNESS get billie holiday free download from Internet Archive Search: / strange fruit.   google the word linching. the black men hanging in trees . by the white americans.
 the aribe  Hung from a pole by  white Italians, blacks being hung or shoot  by the britsh In New Zealand . the red man killed on mass in north america /canada by white men britsh, american, french,spanish .russian.All white men killing the first owners of the lands they wished to steal. always the same  still the same . nothing has changed . nothing will ever change / when I pray Its that the human race will die out soon, befor the larst white rineno

Saturday, November 21, 2015

I feel my life is nothing more than spinning plates.

 I often feel my life is nothing more than spinning
 always on  the edage
 if or when it gose ,Its gone

Sunday, November 15, 2015

look to whos not being killed by the terror groups.

 when you need to understand who is doing what to whoe ever.First look to see who isnt being killed or bombed by them . and in that one act you can open your eyes to whats often the truth. its that easy .  like a great detctive would say.

                                                  ................MUST BE THE TRUTH"...........

Ask Turkky who can they house all the prisners they have arrested  for human trafficing . after all it must be hard to track all the rubber boats and lifejackits there salling  or the people that brought a 350 foot tanker. hell  how har  is it ,Ow thats right  they are the crimmanils.

The foxs  run the hen house.


Is Backed and funded by  Putin (KGB) there leaders all have come out of jails  run by both the siran and russian states  ,Many are stright out of  the North Caucasus
Empty out there jails and paid the leaders with gold  and  gave them  means to move over Armenea
Ive just looked at a map and i never new just how big Kazakhstan Is.Too think the men from there always run away and dump there new wives  that are often left behind pregnant with kids  with the mother inlaw . who herself was abanded by your father . and the beat gose on . around  and around the record gose.
but  what a huge space all that Land , silk road will let the Thetfs steal all the  minrials.
That you all  left  behind,with your children and wifes . so the Rich russian gets to have it .your women and  your homeland  .Allowing  your race too dies a little more Again  But back too the ISILL/ whats with there fuckin name  .  the KGB   is the backer of Isile  thats why you dont see them doing  killings  in Russia or Iran or  the Syrian goverment. and  they go after everyone else .  so Look at who they arnt bombing or killing and thats were you find there Backers/there safe houses. the  people that get the young girls  , ar the many other slaves they have taken , why dont you think no one ever gets to hear from any of them .If they were in any country thats slightly open and free they would be able to speak out or contatc someone Anyone .

No god would condone eveil in all there diffrent forms . Murder, theft, rape .  inslavment  all sins
all for the men you say you hate , Ha Ha Ha  your being played mate . tough life isnt it  
today Its been 3 days   sincer a sad group of people killed unarmed  hell defencless people in France .
I new it was only a matter of time befor this free for all  migrant was going to let 1000s and I do mean 1000s of killers into your towns . Hows that feel good feeling Now Your all so fake .Im not a racest . but ive no black friends , Im  creastion  but im fucking my friends wife .(or someting talked about in the !0

 Im so anti the church  and all faaiths of men
they In there nature are self serving and so untrue.when it comes down to just good will and respect for mother nature.I try and live  by the 1 The 10  (ten).
The Ten is what i refir to the ten commandments  told to us in the old testerment or  whatever book the jews have on Mosess.seeing how it was him that after comming down from a mountin saw  the people he saved from slaviry all drunk  in a orgy of self- plesure all making gods of there own liking to wearship/ he only had to look at them to come up with 10 reasons not to behave like they were . dont fuck your mates  women.(very sexest)
Dont steal. strught foward
dont want whats not yours . well that will lead to   dont steal if you did  so   again stright foward

my fave  do unto others as you would have done to you . well   whats that if not all about ME  there  hell i download them save time

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

TODAY I will talk about MYSELF

I'm full of ANGER
  for many reasons, I won't go into just now . ,I  had a Problem dealing with  mixed feelings  when younger and  hide them. In  fighting the good courses ,Green Amty nuke war  . you name it i was  anty the way things were and in many ways  still are today, They are wrong and no  point in making out they aren't  Because that's  just about right lie, My family .  well,ish ly  OK  when it came to money , white christian family of 7 .five kids, so  No big problems there Or so it always looked to the outside world. I see and  even today see my family as dysfunctional ,in the extreme . on top mind you of  the church putting its 50cents worth in to  fuck me up .  As a kid there was only one person higher up the food chain  than my dad and that was the preacher man. So when this man yelled to the church , (you being one  of the few kids made to sit through the fill  hour and a  half ravings)
 If gods not in your heart your going to   burn in the fires of hell and  your sole will be lost Forever   forever ever ever  er er r r r! you get my point , I couldnt remember this  thing being in me . I didn't  know of a time when his son  came into my heart I  couldn't say  there was a god  there . He might of been  . but i was 5 or 6  hell I didn't know .  But i did know  now  that i was dammed  and  going to hell .  the holy man  just yelled it  at me  for a hour , I was broken with no way of being fixed

 In the car for the short ride home  my Dad turned to mum and said  ,that was a great service  today  didn't she think ?
 Yes , Not a truer word ,could of  been spoken .
All good people should have this God they kept talking about within their soles. whats  this  , theres a sole too Now  In there  Where are these things   they keep talking about  and  I must be  so very alone   as none of my sisters or brothers have said  anything   to  the point of not having these things within themselves ,IT MUST JUST BE ME . and there it was from that age to today I've been made to feel worthless  dirty and EVIL, by the very group of people.
 that should've been there to shoulder each other when needed, to inspire one's  good points as well as understand ,any  faults ,
The highs with the lows .

 Like I said Dysfunctional .

 Shit Ive gone and done it again
 not talked about  what i wanted to say ,

 I do very much  hope to help improve this world  we all live apone . but i cant do it alone
 because that's where, this anger is coming from

               PROVE ME WRONG

 One high point of living with black  KAMA  is /,I do get to laugh at the sickening  things  people do to each other each day

                       I SEE, HUMANS !!,AS MAD ANIMALS .
( maybe insanely mad Animals)

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Tomorrow i will start to Paint again. Maybe Art can help me with my Inner.....

 but It's now for myself. no One, but a artist would understand

the Nobel Awards ,Are not a peace prize at all

If they don't incest Arms dealer Obama .return  the joke of a peace prize he was given , well then    they are just a Joke .Like the UN is
 Tell me world . why is it  that the  Members Of the Sacristy Council of the UN that have that Veto vote/Just happen to be, are all the nations that make and SALE ARMS  
To supply them right across the World. giving  evil people the means to Kill their fellow men . As the Yanks say with god's will Ha Ha
 if  you can't laugh at life .cut deep and down your arm not across
 My Point being Both the UN and  the Nobel peace prize are  both a JOKE

Friday, May 15, 2015

a true double standard

 OK  can anyone tell me why a Jew can get the world courts to return all the artwork taken through the 2 world war and yet the Palestinians  cant get there country back  that was taken by the British  through a act of war  and then given to the red necked  swinging Jews   (any person that rocks backward and forward  all the time is a little unwell )
 Just so you know the real truth here it was to pay off the war debt they had run up with the Jewish bankers  in the USA
 but  even today the Jews have used every race they ever come into contact with . Much like the nab our that buys land next to a group of people and then start bitching about the group they moved next to . Did no one never tell them they didn't have to move there in  the first place .  But  we can't say any thing bad about that race can we  So Palestinians  start taking the British government to court   for the land they took off you   .you were never at war with them in WW2  so there going into Palestinian was a war crime. and if the Jews now hold the land well like the artwork . its stolen goods and that's what they call  tough you can't own  goods that were stolen .they are the property of the rightful owner regardless  if the new owner was unaware they were stolen to start with . The Jews can't have it both ways . Not that they would like to think they're right up there next to god .  So start taking people /country to court and do it all yourself  so it weighs the other side down with  diet
 art stolen by the Nazis.-------Land stolen By the Jews , they clam the artwork even though they never painted it or only own it  with money stolen from others . has more value than the land a nation has lived a pone  for 10,000 years ,

---------------------- stop playing nice with them . change all street signs too names  in Warsaw 1943 and all dress in  striped  death camp uniforms ,with  a yellow crescent and cross on them . I would even write the numbers the jews have given you all  for their court record on your arms  . SHAME them everyone of them SHAME IS YOUR BEST WEAPON

 says Ian clews New Zealand

Thursday, May 7, 2015

the Nazis of the middle east

 Now i dont even have to name the race for everyone to know  who I'm talking about.
They have just  had a shame election and i say this because I'm sure ,theres only one race ,that gets to vote ,(the white ones of them anyway)  and by the way you do have to thank the British for every thing .It was there deal to pay for the first world war  and  by the by   Hitler (mad as he was)  was right  when he said the Jewish race Lent money to bn both sides of that conflict WW1.
How it is to have your hands On the Money of the world . and they said they were dispossessed. I find that funny . don't they as a race have the world diamond   market  under their total control (this being globally) Governments  throughout the world ,have made LAWs that enforce their hold on this Very Very rich  product .
But back to my headding  the first  act the new Jewish goverment did was to allow
for 900 new homes to be built on  and they Used these very words ON SEIZED PALESTINIAN LAND, they don't even bother to hide the fact   that with guns they drove or killed the rightful owners of  this land .
 Now  think to yourself if this was a oil painting  say a vangogh or a  money taken  by the baddies of WW2 aren't these very  much stolen goods returned to there rightful owners . no matter if they were brought in good faith . So how can the jews be enriched on one hand with stolen goods  through war and  at the very same time to again be enriched by the act of stealing  goods (land) through war .  and this is why the Jews are hated throughout the globe . they are back handed  too faced double dealing liers .always to their own ends  It was why all throughout history they were killed or enslaved . things like getting  2 nations to go to war  only  on the so called backing of the Jewish  nation  and  then  after  lying to both sides they don't even  turn up to the war  they coursed  and   there plan was for  both sides to kill themselves out  So the Jew boys   get to  hold all the toys without even  getting a sweet on . its the same with Egypt , before they were enslaved . they sided with the army that was Huge and in most cases should of one .  after saying  to  the Egyptian King ,that they wouldn't get involved ( again they Lied) more modern  they Used the Rommes  to Kill  a man of Peace and Love  (you should know who i'm talking about ) So they could say to the mass of angry Humans it wasn't Us but the bad bad romans. that killed your massier .
And a  very up to date Lie .They killed US Navy seamen and tried very hard to sink  both from air and sea the USs Navy ship USS Liberty Killing 46 sailors  that was covered up by the US government of the day  because the president was indebted to jewish money  given to HIM ,to run his campaign . and these are  the people that say trust us we will not miss use   spy agency's ,When they are the  rote!
a footnote to France here
 Im a New Zealander . my country has fought 2 times on the land of france to save your sorry arsses . and to this day you are the only nation thats committed a act of terror on my country Booming a greenpeace   peace ship killing a man so  between you and the jews the only spies caught within New Zealand  and  using our passports (fakes)  to Kill people across the globe

the attack was covered up for over 40 years  and the seamen were forced into silence .were was there no man left behind that day . Who would ever trust people like this self serving i see them as Evil people right up there next to   religious leaders/preachers  

Monday, April 20, 2015

Is not all war just lies dressed up in value's and nationalism

I've been told by the head of our government,that if we want to be part of the boys club.
 then we go to war with  the other club members , Hell I hate the UN and I'm dame  sure I've no desire to be in a club with assholes . lies and mostly white men i wouldn't spit on if they were on fire .the very same club that lied  and told us  the nearing death of W.M.Ds . that dragged the free world into a war crime of huge  and i mean HUGE dishonor  .and when that's all I have in life, is my word and my honor
 there club insults me .
  you see .I know  not every thing this scum have done . but i know a enough about there sickness and lies to see them for what they are , a wall  will be to good for them , every death is on there heads
 Once  they had killed there way into Baghdad what was it 2004  and  once  the bloodletting had drawn down (see it never stopped) the USA government got a man that has no real name . he was the very same man that had been in south america teaching  Columbia 's Governments  special forces,(that were the death squads )  or the right wing as they liked to be known as .
Now this very same man was  now in Iraq (on the behalf of the US /No .lets be honest here the CIA ) to train the men that were to become the kill teams for the Amardes  government .
 Now  this  will be  the  deaths, from oppression  MPs  anyone they felt wasn't needed  and again death squids were at work on behalf of there overlords .
you work out who you think is the overlords .I know what I  be-leave .water boarding is torture . the CIA has to be at the head of world terror groups.... before its right for men that just  fight for there rights for respect( I'm not saying I support or agree with what they do ) but i can understand
 you have dogs like the US government or British ,french Russian German or china . Or even your own Government if its a directorship
who ever is the  newest killers on the block .
maybe i would lose all hope  as well

But i haven't . i know were just mad animals,  "with sadness being " all we leave  in our wake ,

this women is/was a Great lady

she saw men hanging from tress.(her song, Strange Fruit ,her name Billy Holiday )

you might like it ..

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Not one banker or money maggot has..............


 WHY IS THE C.I.A not on the terror list/
If any group should be . they should . ask me if you like to see the list of crimes they have carried out through out the world   by themselves or using agents.
 they were behind the car bomb that killed a leftest pollution. outside the UN's building, in New York.  goggle Operation CONDOR  ... CIA 's SECRETE   files......( these were sealed for 40 years/)
 much like
 The files wear the Jews tried to sink a US Navy radio-ship USS Liberty  in  international waters (both by air and navel boats) knowing fill well that it was a USA radio-ship,completely  unarmed .. As well as., flying  its  huge  liability flag ( for people that don't know . the size of a tennis court.are the liability  Flags) Killing 45 sailors, 3/4 its crew ...

world leaders are sad.

If they think we  don't know there Insane

 today i watched a Iran's  leader telling the Sade Arabia  . they are wrong for what there doing .( that i can agree with .) but then he went on saying how  there army don't kill women or children  or do inhuman things ".there  gods agents",.  And I think to myself they are  dropping barrel bombs and gassing the women and children of Syria .Or are they less of a human than the great Iranians  . there Melisa is killing women and children Of the Sonnies .In Iraq..I watched  them on bikes running down women after a election  they didn't win .so they stole it through force .Men wearing black. (death squads)
  And I say to you all . you can tell who is behind most terror groups with a Muslim leaning  by . looking for the country in the world that's never been attacked on car bombed to .  human bombers,  killing  innocence  People. and  you don't have to think long or hard  to Answer that question .

 you know the saying don't shit in your own backyard
 but feel free to shit in there's
then theirs Putin .there are No Russians in the Ukrainian fighting  we saw them being interviewed on TV news .  we know the first man on the ground  both times was a KGB member to deal with dissent. 99% voted for  becoming Russian Ha Ha Ha .  there is not one country outside of Russia that would ever wish to  go back under that dictatorship? AGAIN
But its not Putin's Fault, if they mislay or   just let there  tanks , field-guns and missiles( that shoot down  that air plans ) be driven across boarders. aren't  they always DRUNK in Russia.See he didn't Lie
 the west was OK  when the USSR needed money to replace old run down shit oil wells . factory's   farms .  but Not Again so i hope  you do sort it out , As for the west well I'm shamed to be born in the west and i hold my hand up and say here I have nothing to do with  there lies . I would close all banks  and  remove most governments if i was ever given the chance . red lines .WMD s. the Press .  Democratic  . the UN   WHAT A FUCKIN SHAME THEY ALL ARE AS WELL

 you do all Know Putin is as Gay as they come . hes up there with Tom Cruse

...................................But that's just my viewpoint ......................................

So Again what country has never had a terror attack in it/
as they say do the maths

Friday, April 17, 2015

respect the Laws, there are 10 i never hear of any more

why Have any laws . they seam to be  there only to control the poor. i see time and time again well off people get off or away with  many crimes .even murder (as Africa  and the middle east , Russia  china. hell this list is  just to long to  bother about  now .
 My point  is why have laws . i watch  boats fill of  black people most  if I'm not wrong   unschooled and  how they got the money to pay there way onto these boats  well, i will  let you work that out .  but  here is how i see things .  they don't have passports . they don't have any vacations . and they don't have any money to support  themselves when or if they get to were they wish to go to .  I've seen groups of them  already in the EU ,camping out in Cal-lay.. again trying to jump a ride or boat to the UK
everything they do is a complete  crime (they are breaking the laws of  every country they go through as well as showing complete contempt  for the Laws  of the so called country's they wish to  get to .  . Now  when the white man was in  Africa  and even today they love to blame that time  and the system  that was brought into place as   this  big evil . yet here they are  fucking  the laws  of the very same  nations they say  are  evil. you want evil . i give you, Israel  and the British that lied to the Arabs and  gave   there land away to the Jews , Collective guilt i call it . .Gaza and the west  bank are just internment prisons ,were the prisoners are made to pay for it  themselves   and  even then the Jews  will bomb them at will. As well as  keep  stealing   what little land that's  left  to the  other( 4 tribes of Palestine )
 Truth is  the Jews  have lied and  double-dealed  and  done ever thing they can to get $ for themselves ,what they see as important through out History . There was reasons why they were slaves to Egypt  ,why the Romans hung them off posts. and why they are disliked throughout the world .
 I'm getting away from my point
 and  my point is  Respect
 Respect is  whats missing in so much or  life's misdeeds  these days . . the  Africans  not respecting human rights in there own country s
 the   total  lack of Respect  for the Laws of the very  country's they hope to get a free ride  from .

 maybe I'm wrong  but if Africa is one of the oldest  or  the birth place of  the human race . what the fuck have they done . with all that time  and  we all know they have  every thing needed to be  leaders .  what  . you cant even say they invented the stick (nature grows that ,they just break it off )
 I'm so sick of  the Is ems,  I've had to put up with them my whole life . racism
 read a few books people

Saturday, February 28, 2015

What is it you want to Do?

 if you understand ,help the people next to you  to understand as well ,

is it time Is it time ,Do you want to get it right Now ?
 what is it that you want right now, for your life?
 ,lives are for a set time and say what you like it ends . its something we can all be sure of . so lets  start  with that and work back from there,

a long life and a genital death is what i wish to have . I'm of to a good start . grew up in New Zealand.
 late 50s  .say 60s  ,
a family that didn't want for anything that  I was a were of . mind you I was a kid  ,
 So i hardly  new what want meant. Me.Me .I was happy with 2 meals a day  off to school to be with my friends 5 days a week and play when i was awake and not  doing that. sport was  a must.By the standers of a Kiwi I was a nor-nail kid.  so 
 that's what you want i take it  for yourselves I would hope to think , .  Now   being healthy.
 Free to do all schooling,that  I  wished  to do . and  THEN ,start a job
 . you must have work . everyone has to have work  
.. now this is were even my life has found this thing hard ,.  the newer world i was told as i got older . new maths new ways to treat each-other   computers and mac hens /robots  to do the work humans used to do and  there is becoming less work on the  farm's, there are now tractors that do away with the 10 men or 10 women that once worked the farms, .  and that is on every farm , all over the world . there are some new jobs . and very few people  are getting very very rich because of it well we all worked toward this event  as a race we all did owe bits so no Its not right we don't all get a balanced amount .for the work  we do .

Friday, February 6, 2015

wish i could bring you all to my country?

i see by the dates I've not used this blog in over a year and for that I'm sorry . i felt no one was even reading it  and well . we all have only so much time to use and to waste it is a sin in my viewpoint .
 I HOPE your all well and the last year hasn't been to up setting .
 I had seen  many people find there voices and  it was sad to see how they were lied to  by one group  only to be lied to and killed by a n'other group  all the time the so called leader of the free nations  Who DON'T SPEAK FOR MYSELF. did  nothing .in fact they still payed the killers  2 billion $ to keep on killing there own people . I'm sure you don't need me to use names  as you know  who i'm talking about , the brown nose'rs  .soft cocks of this world . don't give up  maybe start holding  hands of other like minded people . so you don't need to talk  about change as you think alike  you can just work at the changes . write down a small list of goals  that will better everyone  and  remember the 4%ers will have there day at the wall then they will wise to be poor
 I find it strange how they want all the money of the world  and yet none of the hardship of the world . what scales do they balance there lives on I do not  Know ,  but its not  the same as mine , N'ore yours I bet .