Thursday, May 21, 2015

Tomorrow i will start to Paint again. Maybe Art can help me with my Inner.....

 but It's now for myself. no One, but a artist would understand

the Nobel Awards ,Are not a peace prize at all

If they don't incest Arms dealer Obama .return  the joke of a peace prize he was given , well then    they are just a Joke .Like the UN is
 Tell me world . why is it  that the  Members Of the Sacristy Council of the UN that have that Veto vote/Just happen to be, are all the nations that make and SALE ARMS  
To supply them right across the World. giving  evil people the means to Kill their fellow men . As the Yanks say with god's will Ha Ha
 if  you can't laugh at life .cut deep and down your arm not across
 My Point being Both the UN and  the Nobel peace prize are  both a JOKE

Friday, May 15, 2015

a true double standard

 OK  can anyone tell me why a Jew can get the world courts to return all the artwork taken through the 2 world war and yet the Palestinians  cant get there country back  that was taken by the British  through a act of war  and then given to the red necked  swinging Jews   (any person that rocks backward and forward  all the time is a little unwell )
 Just so you know the real truth here it was to pay off the war debt they had run up with the Jewish bankers  in the USA
 but  even today the Jews have used every race they ever come into contact with . Much like the nab our that buys land next to a group of people and then start bitching about the group they moved next to . Did no one never tell them they didn't have to move there in  the first place .  But  we can't say any thing bad about that race can we  So Palestinians  start taking the British government to court   for the land they took off you   .you were never at war with them in WW2  so there going into Palestinian was a war crime. and if the Jews now hold the land well like the artwork . its stolen goods and that's what they call  tough you can't own  goods that were stolen .they are the property of the rightful owner regardless  if the new owner was unaware they were stolen to start with . The Jews can't have it both ways . Not that they would like to think they're right up there next to god .  So start taking people /country to court and do it all yourself  so it weighs the other side down with  diet
 art stolen by the Nazis.-------Land stolen By the Jews , they clam the artwork even though they never painted it or only own it  with money stolen from others . has more value than the land a nation has lived a pone  for 10,000 years ,

---------------------- stop playing nice with them . change all street signs too names  in Warsaw 1943 and all dress in  striped  death camp uniforms ,with  a yellow crescent and cross on them . I would even write the numbers the jews have given you all  for their court record on your arms  . SHAME them everyone of them SHAME IS YOUR BEST WEAPON

 says Ian clews New Zealand

Thursday, May 7, 2015

the Nazis of the middle east

 Now i dont even have to name the race for everyone to know  who I'm talking about.
They have just  had a shame election and i say this because I'm sure ,theres only one race ,that gets to vote ,(the white ones of them anyway)  and by the way you do have to thank the British for every thing .It was there deal to pay for the first world war  and  by the by   Hitler (mad as he was)  was right  when he said the Jewish race Lent money to bn both sides of that conflict WW1.
How it is to have your hands On the Money of the world . and they said they were dispossessed. I find that funny . don't they as a race have the world diamond   market  under their total control (this being globally) Governments  throughout the world ,have made LAWs that enforce their hold on this Very Very rich  product .
But back to my headding  the first  act the new Jewish goverment did was to allow
for 900 new homes to be built on  and they Used these very words ON SEIZED PALESTINIAN LAND, they don't even bother to hide the fact   that with guns they drove or killed the rightful owners of  this land .
 Now  think to yourself if this was a oil painting  say a vangogh or a  money taken  by the baddies of WW2 aren't these very  much stolen goods returned to there rightful owners . no matter if they were brought in good faith . So how can the jews be enriched on one hand with stolen goods  through war and  at the very same time to again be enriched by the act of stealing  goods (land) through war .  and this is why the Jews are hated throughout the globe . they are back handed  too faced double dealing liers .always to their own ends  It was why all throughout history they were killed or enslaved . things like getting  2 nations to go to war  only  on the so called backing of the Jewish  nation  and  then  after  lying to both sides they don't even  turn up to the war  they coursed  and   there plan was for  both sides to kill themselves out  So the Jew boys   get to  hold all the toys without even  getting a sweet on . its the same with Egypt , before they were enslaved . they sided with the army that was Huge and in most cases should of one .  after saying  to  the Egyptian King ,that they wouldn't get involved ( again they Lied) more modern  they Used the Rommes  to Kill  a man of Peace and Love  (you should know who i'm talking about ) So they could say to the mass of angry Humans it wasn't Us but the bad bad romans. that killed your massier .
And a  very up to date Lie .They killed US Navy seamen and tried very hard to sink  both from air and sea the USs Navy ship USS Liberty Killing 46 sailors  that was covered up by the US government of the day  because the president was indebted to jewish money  given to HIM ,to run his campaign . and these are  the people that say trust us we will not miss use   spy agency's ,When they are the  rote!
a footnote to France here
 Im a New Zealander . my country has fought 2 times on the land of france to save your sorry arsses . and to this day you are the only nation thats committed a act of terror on my country Booming a greenpeace   peace ship killing a man so  between you and the jews the only spies caught within New Zealand  and  using our passports (fakes)  to Kill people across the globe

the attack was covered up for over 40 years  and the seamen were forced into silence .were was there no man left behind that day . Who would ever trust people like this self serving i see them as Evil people right up there next to   religious leaders/preachers