Tuesday, April 3, 2012


the arms seam wrong
 so i think this victim ,because this is what who ever this was ,  has got rigger-mortes  as  he was face down be4 being drawn up for show really  .nothing more .

again  note  no phones  yet  they got through the day , HOW ?

Monday, April 2, 2012

I was going to do a new post but , why ?

I I was going to make a new post .till it downed on me , i wasn't going to do more than one . so why bother dose it matter when they start to read it , SO  TODAY'S 
mind trip is  this
 were are there cell phones,hes pointing to the phone theft/can you see the theft
 must of been that guy in the tree ,?

So what is going on here .
its a Hanging .  H / hang--ing  ,,a doing word ,None
the act of killing  a human by a robe around the neck ,using there body weight to carry out the feat.
ant humans cleaver
 don't they sort things out always getting that little bit of some thing   for there effort.

reap what you sow

I'm reading a story about sea life q few hundred years ago . when the seas of the Med were fill of  Algiers pirates. they had a part of the coast  that let them feed on all trade going into and out of the Mediterranean Sea .and i  found a few lines  funny  ,as the 2 friends talked with  each other    one says robbery on the seas they think of as JUST  and to robe the poor ,they also think as JUST .  but to robe the Rich in Algiers, Now that's just  awful wicked  and is not to be tolerated. that got me to think of the  opian wars .and what was really  behind them , again the same  them seams to be  through out history . to  become rich you take it , to stay rich  you take  others , and to  be a king your the biggest robber of them all,How little things have changed ,  wars are still fought  not  for rights  and wrongs  but for money and  they think  this  gets them power , we all all rats running in a maze  , see who gets feed first  ,and is it good food or poison food , were in the maze are you ,   a winner or a loser . ,  or can we be both
I'm now looking at a web page about  hangings of       .... BAA....       THATS BLACK AFRICAN AMERICANS 
 funny how they like to be called that  , me i like to be called onslow . well   this page has a pitcher as its no photo of a hanging , all well and good you think . except its  from the  Russian revolt  of 1890 ,  not the south of the USA , funny how facts are made to fit  some time s .  its not like  you cant get real photos of this  hiddies  crime ,that this is ,   pure  HATE CRIME ,again the USA has lead the way  and shown the world that even in a new  country  you can still have the same sickness  that  comes  with men of any race , hatred .well done  bush  .?the USA /CIA and  everyone that let 9/11 rule there better judgment. or maybe you all were fill of hate  just never had a way to  use it till then . your plans  , you trained them ,in fact they were your men , seeing how the CIA  made   the group in the first place ,  but  the beast you made came home to feed  and  what 2 wars in your name of freedom  never heared such crap in my life , what you cant cage you kill, well done   the worlds in ore of your  greatness  ,not . NOT